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Bodies of Nature

Bodies of Nature

Edited by:

October 2001 | 208 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This book examines the embodied nature of people's experience in, and of, the modern world. It is therefore part of the deep-seated `turn towards the body', which has been such a pronounced feature of sociology in the last two decades. The book argues that bodies in nature are subject to novel, complex and contradictory opportunities of freedom and escape, surveillance and monitoring, and guides readers through the various ways in which these bodily opportunities and constraints are temporally and spatially organized and managed.

Phil Macnaghten and John Urry
Bodies of Nature

Nigel Clark
'Botanizing on the Asphalt'
The Complex Life of Cosmopolitan Bodies

Nigel Thrift
Still Life in the Nearly Present Time
The Object of Nature

Neil Lewis
The Climbing Body, Nature and the Experience of Modernity
Tim Edensor
Walking in the British Countryside
Reflexivity, Embodied Practices and Ways to Escape

Mike Michael
These Boots Are Made for Walking...
Mundane Technology, the Body and Human-Environment Relations

David Bell and Ruth Holliday
Naked as Nature Intended
David Matless
Action and Noise over a Hundred Years
The Making of a Nature Region

Phil Macnaghten and John Urry
Bodies in the Woods
Tim Ingold and Terhi Kurttila
Perceiving the Environment in Finnish Lapland

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ISBN: 9780857022745

ISBN: 9780761973355

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