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Civic Education in a Time of Democratic Crisis

Civic Education in a Time of Democratic Crisis

Edited by:

November 2023 | SAGE Publications, Inc

“Civic Education in a Time of Democratic Crisis” features frontiers of scholarship in the political, social, and behavioral sciences that are advancing civic education. The volume begins with an analysis of recent efforts to create a shared agenda for civic learning against a backdrop of politicization in education. Additional articles provide theoretical and empirical support for the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for students to become engaged civic actors and problem solvers; other contributions offer illustrations of civic learning in action. A cross-cutting theme is the role that cultural contexts and environments play in helping to ensure meaningful student learning in the United States’ multiethnic democracy. The volume concludes with recommendations for research, policy, and practice that can further advance a type of civic education that invigorates and preserves our democratic traditions and prepares students to address the political, socioeconomic, and ecological challenges that loom ever larger on the horizon.

Paperback: $42.00, Sale Price $33.60, ISBN: 9781071930915
Hardcover: $60.00, Sale Price $58.00, ISBN: 9781071930922


Gregory White, Dian Dong, David E. Campbell, and Carol D. Lee
Civic Education in a Time of Democratic Crisis
Finding Common Ground among Progressive and Conservative Visions of Civic Education
Peter Levine
Politics by Other Means: Civic Education in a Time of Controversy
Paul Carrese
Civic Preparation of American Youth: Reflective Patriotism and Our Constitutional Democracy
The Complex Demands of Civic Reasoning and Discourse
Carol D. Lee, Na’ilah Suad Nasir, and Mary Helen Immordino-Yang
What the Sciences of Human Learning and Development Tell Us about Civic Reasoning and Discourse
D. Sunshine Hillygus and John B. Holbein
Refocusing Civic Education: Developing the Skills Young People Need to Engage in Democracy
Elizabeth A. Bennion and Melissa R. Michelson
Educating Students for Democracy: What Colleges Are Doing, How It’s Working, and What Needs to Happen Next
Classroom Climate for Civic Development
Ashley Berner, Crystal Spring, and Andrea Ochoa
Assessing the Civic-Building Capacities of Schools: Early Findings from a Survey of Parents and Students
Jamila Lyiscott, Cati V. de los Ríos, and Christopher H. Clark
Case Studies of Effective Learning Climates for Civic Reasoning and Discussion
Maisha T. Winn
Restorative Justice, Civic Education, and Transformative Possibilities
Civic Empowerment of Underrepresented Communities
Matthew D. Nelsen
Lessons in Empowerment: The Civic Potential of Historically Grounded Conversations among Racially Marginalized Youth
Christian O. Paiz, Lisa García Bedolla, and Kris D. Gutiérrez
Civics on the Move: The Politics of Latinx Civic Integration.
Matthew Coopilton, Brendesha M. Tynes, Stephen M. Gibson, Joseph Kahne, Devin English, and Karinna Nazario
Adolescents’ Analyses of Digital Media Related to Race and Racism in the 2020 U.S. Election: An Assessment of Their Needs and Skills
Insights for Research, Policy, and Practice
Linda Darling-Hammond and Kent McGuire
Policy for Civic Reasoning
Gregory White, Dian Dong, David E. Campbell, and Carol D. Lee
The Future of Civic Education: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice

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ISBN: 9781071930915

ISBN: 9781071930922