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186 Results Found for "Cultural Studies"


IPR License and SAGE announce affiliation at LBF

The opening day of the London Book Fair 2015 has seen IPR License, the global rights and licensing trading platform, team up with SAGE, a leading independent academic professional publisher, to further extend its remit into the international content rights marketplace.

SAGE Publishing titles honored by ALA’s RUSA and Choice

Los Angeles, CA- Choice and the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) have recognized eight SAGE resources as outstanding resources of 2015. Six reference titles and one digital resource were recognized on Choice’s Outstanding Academic Title list, and one reference title was listed on RUSA’s Outstanding Reference Sources for adults.

University of Exeter becomes first European university to purchase complete primary source portfolio from Adam Matthew Digital

Adam Matthew Digital is delighted to announce today that University of Exeter has become the first European university to purchase its entire digital primary source portfolio of over 100 modules.

The University, a long-time supporter of AM Digital, made its first digital purchase in 2008, and this week has completed its portfolio, with the addition of all new content publishing in 2019, as well as the entire suite of digitised microfilm.
