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241 Results Found for "Public Health"


Time to stub out misguided e-cigarette regulation

Los Angeles, London - Smokers are increasingly turning to electronic cigarettes as a means to reduce the health impacts of their addiction. But legislators around the world are far from unified in their approaches to regulating e-cigarettes. Misguided legislation based on concerns that are not backed by sound data may have unintended consequences for public health, experts say. With smoking behind almost six million premature deaths each year, a lot is at stake in the current round of regulation changes.

Men over 60 who pay for sex use less protection and purchase more sex as they age

Los Angeles, CA- A new study published today in the American Journal of Men’s Health (a SAGE journal) surveyed American men between the ages of 60 and 84 who pay for sex and found that the older they were, the more frequently they paid for sex and the more likely they were to have experienced unprotected sexual intercourse multiple times with their favorite commercial sex providers.

Pure Gold Open Access Journals

The following lists the pure gold open access journals published by Sage. All articles published in the journals provide worldwide, barrier-free access to the full-text of articles online, immediately on publication under a creative commons license. All articles are rigorously peer-reviewed retaining the quality hallmarks of the academic publishing process that authors would experience in publishing in any traditional Sage journal.

Funding bodies, policies and compliance

A number of funders require research articles which have resulted from their funding to be made open access. Sage helps authors comply with these mandates either via the gold open access publication route or green open access archiving.

Funder Agencies' Open Access Mandates

Please check with your funder if there is a mandate to publish your research open access and the criteria for compliance. There are other resources which may also be helpful:
