Getting the Best Out of Supervision in Counselling & Psychotherapy
A Guide for the Supervisee
- Mary Creaner - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Getting the Best Out of Supervision in Counselling & Psychotherapy does exactly what it says on the tin! Supervision is an essential part of counselling training and ensuring you know exactly how to get the very most out of supervision is important, whatever their level of study. Exploring how to begin, maintain and end a supervisory learning relationship in the context of existing theory and best practice guidelines, the author will introduce your trainees to:
- Models and forms of supervision
- The skills informing good supervision
- What to expect from supervision
- Key professional issues in supervision
Written in a lively and engaging style, this book will enable both supervisors and supervisees to get the best they can from the supervisory experience.
This is a very useful book that is really needed. It brings together a wide ranging and comprehensive set of theoretical ideas, as well as practical considerations in relation to supervision.
… knowledge shines from every page in this well researched, lively and engaging book.
Creaner is hugely well read in the field and does a great service for over-busy supervisors and supervisees alike by reporting succinctly on findings from decades of supervision research and by selecting significant quotations and criticisms from key authors. Use this book unashamedly if you want to dig into the hard intellectual terrain of supervision without having to plough through dozens of theoretical papers. In this respect the subtitle is very apt. As a guide, Creaner is adriot and discerning. The map she has drawn of the complex landscape of supervision offers an intelligibly detailed overview and she provides plenty of signposts for further exploration. She even points supervisees to training courses in supervision. That's lifelong learning for you.
I thought this was an excellent text for trainee counsellors. It is pitched at the right level to help them ease into the supervisory process and learn to maximise what it offers.
A valuable contribution to a somewhat neglected subject.
A clear introduction to the subject for my students - that is exactly what they need to know - how to get the most out of it
A very useful guide for both supervisors and supervisees alike
Appropriate for training counselling practitioners. Provides easily accessible information that students can relate to and apply to practice.
This essential text on counselling and supervision will provide students with a depth of understanding of the supervisory relationship.
This book is recommended for level 4 upwards in counselling training. It is at this point in their journey that students encounter supervision and this guides helps them get the best out of the experience