The Changing Architecture of Politics
Structure, Agency and the Future of the State
- Philip G Cerny - University of Manchester, UK, Rutgers University - Newark, USA, Rutgers University, USA
`In my view, it is the best introduction available in English to contemporary academic discussions about the purpose and prospects of applying the comparative method to political science.... Cerny's book is comprehensive in scope and accomplishes three quite rare tasks: it brings together material on North America, Western Europe and Japan... it combines theories of comparative politics and international relations; it pays equal attention to systems of party competition and of interest intermediation, although its primary focus is upon the state.... Philip Cerny has produced a tour de force, an intelligent, erudite and comprehensive text that cuts decisively through artificial barriers within the discipline' - Political Science Quarterly
`Philip Cerny has written a superb analysis of the changing conditions of statehood' - Canadian Journal of Political Science