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CBMCS Multicultural Reader

CBMCS Multicultural Reader

February 2008 | 584 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Features a wellspring of seminal research studies critical to understanding the complex issues surrounding mental health care and diversity. Providing a wealth of in-depth research into delivering culturally competent care, this rich anthology examines general issues in multicultural counseling competence training; ethnic minority intervention and treatment research; and sociocultural diversities.

Key Features and Benefits
  • Features carefully selected research articles that are accessible to and practical for mental health practitioners and students
  • Provides critical background research that sprang from rigorous research methods and multivariate statistical processes
  • Opens with the key article that details the development of the ground-breaking 21-item California Brief Multicultural Competence Scale

Instructor trained in the model and module by California Mental Health Institute. Best model I have been exposed to. Trainers from CIMH are good.

Dr Juan Garcia
Counseling Special Ed Dept, California State University - Fresno
August 12, 2010

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ISBN: 9781412959469