Counselling for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Michael J Scott - Private Practice, Liverpool
- Stephen G Stradling - Napier University, UK
Therapy in Practice
Covering the full spectrum of post-traumatic states, the book provides a clear and detailed account of how these states can be recognized and includes chapters on post-traumatic responses; criteria for diagnosis; assessment; and the cognitive behavioral model for treatment.
Containing valuable case studies to illustrate theoretical material, this book outlines a range of techniques for counseling clients who have suffered major trauma, whether recently or in the past. This fully updated new edition addresses the specifics of counseling trauma victims and includes 18 detailed case examples together with transcripts of sessions. New material in this Third Edition includes pain management, working with children and adolescents, and refugees. A new PTSD screening inventory and a counseling competence scale are included as new appendices.
This book will be invaluable to those in training or practice who are working with PTSD sufferers.
This is a really good book with a really good insight into PTSD
Within the therapeutic arena, PTSD is an area in which student counsellors and therapists have often voiced that they feel challenged. This book overall is a comprehensive aid for a range of professionals working with individuals experiencing Trauma. At times however it is a heavy read due to the detail and content, but the examples and sessions enabled the students to understand more how theory and practice can be implemented within therapeutic settings to work with clients experiencing PTSD. Examples of what can be covered in sessions 1-11 and also the case examples were extremely useful. Inclusion of the appendices with detail on the Penn inventory, Cognitive Therapy scale, pain Management, working with children and Adults, EMDR was invaluable as it covered evidence based practice which enabled learners to grasp the process and complexity of assessment through to therapeutic interventions.
A good book giving an overview of the context of the area of the disorder and suggest techniques to working with clients. It gives the background, presenting symptoms and application.
A useful CBT resource that would be helpful for students beginning their studies in PTSD.