Doing Research in Sport and Exercise
A Student's Guide
- Mark F. Smith - University of Lincoln, UK
Split into five sections that cover your whole research journey, this book captures everything you need to understand to do a sports research project.
From getting started with a research question and selecting a research approach to choosing a method of data collection and analysing and presenting research findings, it walks you step-by-step through the entire research process. The book also:
- Showcases a diverse range of approaches, including experiments, surveys, focus groups, interviews, systematic reviews and mixed methods, to help you choose the best option for your project.
- Focuses on applied research, showing you how to go beyond the classroom, conduct research in the field and manage and analyse data in the real world.
- Explores how your supervisor can support you to get the most out of your project.
Features include over 40 student activities that encourage you to think more deeply about what you've learned, nearly 50 case studies highlighting research from real-world students and sport researchers, and reflection points, to help you check your understanding.
For students across courses relating to Sport & Exercise Science, Coaching Practice & Development, PE and Sport, this book is a down-to-earth guide to help anyone doing a research project in sport and exercise.
A friendly introduction to key elements of the research process, this book covers many approaches to research and includes topics not covered in similar texts. Examples give application to the concepts addressed. Easy access to sections most useful for particular projects and references to further reading and published research consolidate particular points.
Brilliant examples that bring the different research methods to life. The text is easy to read, the focus boxes are helpful for students and staff alike. The students are just half-way through the research methods unit and have given resoundingly positive feedback. They are all expected to do a research project for their dissertation collecting real data and they find these examples set in the context of why the study was designed in that way very helpful.
A very useful manual for my students at the sports faculty in Lille, France. Easily understandable approach for an introductory course in research methodology.