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Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education
Becoming a Professional

January 2013 | 576 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Turning passion into practice as a professional early childhood educator

Early Childhood Education: Becoming a Professional is an inspiring introduction to the world of early childhood education, preparing the teachers of tomorrow to reach their full potential in their schools and communities. Written by a diverse and experienced author team, this text engages readers to connect contemporary educational and developmental theory and research to developmentally appropriate practices and applications that are easily implemented in the classroom. In response to today's ever-changing educational environment, the text focuses on both the importance of taking personal and professional responsibility, as well as today's issues in diversity—from supporting children with exceptionalities to supporting children and families in broader cultural contexts.

Part I: Foundations of Early Childhood Education
1. The Early Childhood Teacher
2. History of Early Childhood Education
3. Types of Progams and Services
Part II: Development and Early Childhood Education
4. Learning Theories
5. Child Development and Milestones
Part III: The Early Childhood Classroom
6. Assessment and Evaluation through Observation
7. Exceptional Children in Early Care and Education
8. Diversity in Early Care and Education
9. Guidance in Early Care and Education
Part IV: Implementing the Early Childhood Curriculum
10. Play and the Learning Environment
11. Emotional and Social Development
12. Language and Literacy Development
13. Mathematics, Science, and Technology
14. Movement, Health, and the Physical Curriculum
Part V: Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education
15. Engaging Parents, Families, and the Community
16. Early Childhood Education Policies
About the Authors


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“I enjoyed the Policies and Politics Boxes. They were provocative and I think they would get my students to think deeply and discuss.”

Michelle Fryer Hanson
University of Sioux Falls

“I really like the information about the additional readings and the on the web section.”

Cheryl J. Hitchcock
Middle Tennessee State University

“I felt the TOC had a logical flow; the titles were clear and understandable. It matches most of the organization of the way my course is set out.”

Jennifer A. Kampmann
South Dakota State University

“Mathematics, Science, and Technology. An excellent chapter. If prospective teachers can grasp the information in the vignette that describes children’s excitement about learning through science, they will be ahead of the game. During my days as a classroom teacher, I taught math and science in a departmentalized elementary school. Science is doing. Math is about learning not only facts, but concepts. The paragraph that explains that teachers might have to upgrade their knowledge and skills in math, science, and technology is an awareness that needs to be brought home to teachers. Teachers often hamper the development of children’s learning because of their own shortcomings. I like it as it is.”

James C. Young
Clark Atlanta University

A lovely book that is easily accessible and would appeal to all learning styles. There are a good mix of diagrams, pictures, text and charts to aid learning. The only downside is that the book uses American terminology

Mrs Tanya Richardson
School of Education, Northampton University
March 31, 2015

This is a well set out book that would serve to supplement studies of Early Years Education and Childcare in England at perhaps Level 2 and above. The book is well illustrated and attractively set out, making it accessible to read and inviting to dip into as needed.

Mrs Judith Ballard
Care and Wellbeing, Brooklands College
June 16, 2014

This book offers a wider perspective on early childhood education than most comparable texts. As well as the usual European stances it also includes the American viewpoint. The book is colourful and well laid out, offers opportunities to reflect and analyse issues, and guides student to further reading and appropriate on-line sources.

Dr Linda Withey
education and professional development, ity campus oldham college
April 15, 2014

An interesting, detailed text that offers a generic view of early childhood education, as opposed to taking a critical stance.

Miss Alyson Lewis
Newport School of Education, University of Wales, Newport
September 12, 2013

Very well done, in the order I use to teach and easy to understand.

Alvin Kuest
Professional Studies Dept, Great Lakes Christian College
March 18, 2013
Key features

Features & Benefits

  • Chapter-opening Vignettes—about a teacher, program, child, or family—connect concepts and theories to the realities in and out of the classroom.
  • Learning Objectives highlight important questions readers will be able to answer after reading the chapter.
  • Sample Lesson Plans designed for students in three different age groups—infants/toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary children—are located at the end of each curriculum chapters.
  • Key Elements for Becoming a Professional boxes demonstrate which NAEYC principles and standards are addressed in each chapter.
  • Consider This! boxes offer quotes and scenarios from teachers, children, and parents that provide a lively, real-life illustration of textbook concepts.
  • Reflection, Analysis, and Application Questions at the end of chapters help readers delve deeper into the chapter material, reflect upon and critically analyze the concepts and examples, and apply it all to real-world situations.
  • Each chapter ends with two annotated lists, Additional Readings and On the Web, which provide information on books, peer-reviewed articles, and websites that guide readers in finding further information and expanded perspectives on chapter topics.
  • A unique chapter on Mathematics, Science, and Technology (Chapter 13) provides future early childhood educators the tools needed to incorporate these topics into their classroom.

Sample Materials & Chapters

Table of Contents

Chapter 10

Sage College Publishing

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