Engagement and Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing
- Sandra Walker - Southampton University, UK
Key features:
- Covers the communication content of the new NMC Standards and Essential Skills Clusters for pre-registration degree-level nursing education
- Focussed on promoting recovery and adopts a person-centred approach
- Interactive style using realistic scenarios and case studies making theory easy to apply to practice
- Includes a chapter co-authored by a service user offering a unique insight.
I have made reference to this book in my course, planning & implementing mental health care. In particular "history taking" which requires the use of effective communication skills. The chapters on "questioning techniques" and "when communication becomes challenging" are excellent.
This text gives great insight into the key principles and concepts when building professional relationships. It also shows the students how the theories and models of communication can impact on the practical application. This text also gives clarity to the importance of communication when working as a Mental Health practitioner. Highly recommend.
This book is excellent in bringing the concept of communication and engagement to clinical practice which is current, practical and relevant to current practice. Its a great size and easy to understand.
Good clear essential text for all undergraduate mental health nurses.
This is an excellent reference book that follows a recognised structure to other Health related texts and students should be able to negotiate the various chapters / themes with ease.
Particularly useful are the links to the NMC essential skills clusters as are the activities that help to provide some structured slef directed learning.
The language used is good and easy to understand and i thouroughly recommend this text to all Student Nurses irrespective of their specialiality branch.
a good succint summary for undergraduate students of mental health and also for all nurse working with people with mental health problems
This book is a thorough and informative book . One that may assist the lecturer within their teaching.
Staple for Mental Health Nursing courses
a good, general intro text for out year 2 students.