Forest School for All
- Sara Knight - Teacher and Forest School Leader
Global/Comparative Education
Forest School is now being used with a wide range of different age groups and in many different settings, and it can address issues such as obesity, public health and social wellbeing. This book includes case studies that will help to demonstrate how to run Forest School sessions with:
- children in older primary classes
- secondary schools
- children in urban environments
- special schools
- young people in residential homes
- school refusers
- young people who have been excluded
- adults with autistic-spectrum disorders
- family centres.
Anyone interested in how to implement the Forest School ethos in their learning environment will be enthused and inspired by this book.
Sara Knight is an experienced early years educator and Senior Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University. She is a trained Forest School practitioner and author of Forest Schools and Outdoor Learning in the Early Years and Risk and Adventure in Early Years Outdoor Play (both published by SAGE).
A useful resource for individual students with a relevant dissertation focus.
This book gives an overview of the development of Forest School and how important it is for the development of the child. The Chapter on Getting Children with Physical Challenges into the Woods give practical ideas and suggestions which are invaluable.
This is a key text for extending understandings of Forest School applications beyond the Early Years
I have recommended this book as a supplemental resource as the Forest School initiative is widespread in the field of childcare.
Plenty of interesting ideas for activities in the outdoors and a useful resource that will aid students in achieving their qualification.
Not sure how this came to be connected to this module - my error I think. Apologies.
The key text to introduce the theories and practice of Forest School - written in a readable format that is understandable by students of many levels. Positive and up beat leaving you feeling that it is all achievable - and so worth it!
Forest Schools are becoming an increasingly common part of the curriculum. This publication is a valuable addition to our reading list, and will assist our learners, and their schools, greatly.
Slightly disappointing. Like other books on this subject key points, such as the detail of what occurs in Forest School sessions is rarely mentioned adequately. The case studies focus very much on children with particular issues and much consideration is given to the organisation and outcomes of the sessions. Overall, rather superficial in terms of revealing the true nature of Forest schools. Satisfactory as an over-view.
This book is used throught unit 4 of the CACHE course and was essential for students to understand what a forest school is.
Written in a similar format to the first book on Forest School by the author. A focus on inclusion with attention to 14-19 boys, looked after children and other barriers to learning. Gifted and talented are also focused upon which will help broader understanding and guide practice of helping a wider variety of holistic learning and developmental needs.