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There are a number of case studies to illustrate points and chapters include references to further reading that are detailed and supportive. This is a useful resource for all professionals working in the field. It is well-written and informative, and successfully meets the needs of multi-disciplinary teams.
Excellent book with relevant links to practice
This book is highly recommended to anyone who is studying or working within SEND. The chapters are clearly laid out with each chapter offering further reading to support the reader's knowledge. The case studies allow legislation into context and would support module delivery.
This book acts as supplementary underpinning for practitioners of SEN/High needs withing our PGCE programmes.
This book is so worth a read. Information is clear and very useful to students exploring SEND and the code of practice.
Relevant, current information on legislation related to SEN. Useful case studies and activities related to provision and practice.
Excellent resource for the unit Supporting Learners with Diverse Needs
Extremley relevant for meeting module outcomes.
The book content fits well with the concept and content of our Specialist Teacher Module
A supplementary text, useful for students studying on our Contemporary Issues in Education module.
I will recommend this book as a useful guide giving background information to the new SEN legislation. I contains a lot of useful information and discussion around all aspects of the new act.
A clear textbook with excellent questions that promote critical thinking and also summaries/ key points that will support students getting to grips with the Code Of Practice.
Really easy to follow. Clear chapters divided into relevant sections. Lots of up to date information for students and staff. Will be recommending this for my PGDE group's Inclusion Module
This is a useful update to the changes that are necessary following the new SEND Code of Practice. Tutt and Williams set out the book in a way that makes logical sense to those with experience wanting to use it as a resource to dip into but also for newcomers to the world of SEN who will still need to know what is new and what is not and the reason behind the changes. The overviews, keypoints and case studies in each chapter focus the reader and provide valuable illustrations to the theory.
Very useful text for student teachers
The SEND Code of Practice 0-25 Years: Policy, Provision and Practice provides a useful update with regards to significant Policy reform and subsequent changes to support and provision for children and young people with diverse and additional learning needs.
This will be a particularly useful text for beginning teachers and undergraduate students with an interest in learning more about the potential complexities of responsibilities, systems and support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.