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"Sonny Magana’s T3 Framework will provide schools and districts with the planning tools needed to go beyond the “$1,000 pencil”. His concept of technology as a disruptive force is exactly how we should be thinking about this historic moment of redesigning the culture of learning. Sonny’s book is filled with powerful stories and thoughtful questions that will inspire and empower educators to improve learning. Moreover, he has provided us with a framework for implementation with detail that simply has not existed with earlier models.
"The T3 Framework provides a measurable, hierarchical model for guiding technology usage in the classroom. It provides educators with a way to inspect their current practices and establish a clear path to purposeful technology use in order to engage their students. The true power of T3 is the operationalizing of theory for direct application to the classroom setting. Disruptive Classroom Technologies will resonate with any educator who wants to maximize the impact of technology on instruction."
"With the plethora of technology tools to choose from, busy teachers and administrators are at a loss when deciding which tools will help improve learning. Sonny Magana’s T3 Framework is a timely solution to this problem. The self-evaluative matrices, questionnaires and framing tools make the task of transforming one’s teaching achievable. Disruptive Classroom Technologies will take a place of honor on my bookshelf, right next to Friedman and Bonk!"
"If there is one book all educational leaders read, make it this one. Creating learning environments that promote and foster innovation in both teaching and learning are essential today. Education is ripe for disruption and Sonny has provided a clear framework for helping students and teachers to do more. The T3 Framework can provide guidance to all educational leaders and create the learning students need and deserve."
"In Disruptive Classroom Technologies, Sonny Magana brilliantly defines the T3 Framework which serves as a “call to action” for all education leaders to examine the role that technology has in teaching and learning. As Sonny details, schools are technology rich and innovation poor due to a constant pursuit of the latest glitzy technology fad that often has limited additive value to student achievement.
"As schools and other institutions of learning struggle to keep pace with the evolving demands and challenges of educating, “today’s learners for tomorrow’s future,” questions persist about the investment and value technology brings to the work of teaching and learning.
"Emerging economies are making huge investments in ICT aimed at improving student learning outcomes. However, these investments are not paying off for lack of a coherent road map that leads to substantive student learning. Sonny’s T3 framework is the much-needed innovation that can change this situation.
"Sustainable innovation in education is not about designing something new and flashy. Authentic innovation that positively transforms student learning and success only comes from the development of relationships among students and teachers. Dr. Magana’s work is vital because it is a call to design learning environments that support teachers while also engaging students in challenging curriculum and activities.
"Sonny Magana has made a significant contribution to innovation in education with his important book, Disruptive Classroom Technologies, and the T3 Framework. There have been 161 meta-analyses on various aspects of computers in education – from 10,226 studies, and the average effect is d =.34 – and this effect has not changed over the past 50 years despite phenomenal changes in the technology. A major reason for this lack of impact is most technological interventions do not change the dominant “tell and practice” teaching model.
"Developing students who are active, informed, and capable of taking action in the real world is at the heart of Disruptive Classroom Technologies. Sonny has shared a new research- and evidence-based framework to guide our thinking about innovation in education, aptly identifying students’ “passion and purpose” as the key drivers for school improvement. This book should challenge leaders and teachers alike to review expectations around how and why they lever digital tools in contemporary learning design."
"Change isn't's already on our doorstep. The disruptive nature of technology compels all educators to critically evaluate integration in support of improved learning outcomes. The T3 Framework developed by Sonny Magana provides a much needed tool for all educators to harness the positive aspects of disruptive technologies to support learning."
"Today’s learning environments necessitate the use of technology and now they have been given a big boost by Dr. Magana’s contribution of the T3 Framework. Magana introduces a common vocabulary clearly organized and accessible within a taxonomy of stages. The T3s are not just for K-12 classrooms; rather, coaches, consultants and trainers designing on line professional development courses will find nuggets of knowledge within the Framework. One will ‘strike gold’ when learners are moved toward positive, inclusive and communal responses."
"As a leader and innovator in technology integration, Dr. Magana supportively challenges educators to disrupt conventional ways of conceptualizing and engaging technology in classroom settings. The T3 Framework provides a practical and user-friendly model for pushing beyond the traditional boundaries that tend to limit effective technology applications in education. Technology integration in teaching and learning holds great promise for enhancing student engagement and achievement in useful and wonderful ways. The T3 Framework shows us how."
"This is a must read for any change maker truly invested in making a difference with the use of technology in the classroom. Dr. Magana’s T3 framework provides the in-depth guidance needed for any learning organization to embrace a “disruptive” approach to technology use. The methodology to achieve Transcendence with both teachers and students alike is a fascinating. Readers will embrace the theory backed by action."
"Understanding Sonny’s background and past work, I had high expectations, but Disruptive Classroom Technologies was even better than I had expected. I so enjoyed this work and got so much from it that I can’t wait to start sharing it with schools immediately.
“Dr. Sonny Magana’s T3 framework for innovation in education offers a useful tool for educators globally to embrace the disruptive technologies that abound today. Templates of questions for considering the T3 framework in the context of rapid technological changes allow educators to engage learners at ever deeper and more meaningful levels. Dr. Magana’s great manual for using existing classroom technologies for engaging learners and learning communities in a transcendent manner has the clear and cogent potential for changing our educational world for the better."
I can highly recommend “Disruptive Classroom Technologies” to any educator (teacher or leader) who is interested in ensuring that they implement the use of technologies in their school/classroom in the best possible way. If you’re not content with the status quo and you want to improve the way technologies are used in your setting, this book is for you. Dr. Sonny Magana has outlined a simple three stage ‘T3 Framework’ to assist educators to innovate in their own schools, to reflect on where they currently stand, and to give direction for where they could be going.
"A must read for educational leaders faced with a ‘technology rich but innovative poor’ school, Disruptive Classroom Technologies reframes how educators and students use digital tools in the pursuit of transcendent learning. Equipped with the easy-to-understand T3 Framework, teachers can quickly assess where their own, and their student’s use of technology resides; at the translational, transformational and transcendent level.
"This book is essential reading for school leaders at every level. This excellent book gives school leaders authoritative guidance about what the future could look like in their schools. What I like about this book is that it gives a structure for personal and vicarious learning about the real matter of school leadership, so that these accumulated experiences and wisdom are not lost at either the personal or collegial levels."
"As districts struggle to truly embed technology into the daily classroom learning, it is becoming clear that a new set of language and ideas are needed to move this work forward. This book provides readers with a fresh framework that can build institutional capacity and deeper integration of education technology."
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.