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Rights and Permissions

The Sage Rights team is committed to ensuring that your task of obtaining permission to reuse, republish, or distribute our content is a fast and convenient experience.  We encourage the sharing of knowledge in support of a healthy and informed global community while protecting our intellectual property and that of the authors and societies with whom we partner.

The following information will guide you toward the most efficient path to copyright compliant reuse of Sage content:

  • Our Journals Permissions pages contain information regarding Sage Journal content, including how to process a permission request through RightsLink.
  • Our Commercial Sales pages provide you with information on content sponsorships such as reprints, ePrints, special supplements, custom print, and more. 
  • You may contact us directly via the Sage Permissions Portal if you are unable to process your request via CCC or RightsLink, or if you have a question that is not addressed in these pages.