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White-Collar Crime

White-Collar Crime
A Text/Reader

November 2011 | 720 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

White-Collar Crime: A Text/Reader incorporates contemporary and classic readings (some including policy implications) accompanied by original text that provides a theoretical framework and context for students. This comprehensive book covers topics including crimes by workers in sales-oriented systems; crimes in the health care system; crimes by criminal justice professionals and politicians; crimes in the educational system; crimes in the economic and technological systems; crimes by employees in the housing industry; corporate crime; environmental crime; explanations of white-collar crime; and the police and court responses to white-collar crime.


SECTION I. Introduction and Overview of White-Collar Crime: A Systems Perspective
How to Read a Research Article
1. Crime and Business, by Edwin H. Sutherland
SECTION II. Understanding White-Collar Crime: Definitions, Extent, and Consequences
2. White-Collar and Professional Crime: The Challenge for the 1980s, by Herbert Edelhertz
3. Occupational Crime, Occupational Deviance, and Workplace Crime: Sorting Out the Differences, by David O. Friedrichs
SECTION III. Crimes in Sales-Related Occupations: A Systems Perspective
4. The Appliance Repairman: A Study of Victim-Responsiveness and Fraud, by Diane Vaughan and Giovanna Carlo
5. Employee Theft and Efficacy of Certain Control Procedures in Commercial Food Service Operations, by Richard Ghiselliand Joseph A. Ismail
SECTION IV. Crimes in the Health Care System
6. The Enforcement of Criminal Laws: Testimony to the House od Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, by James Frogue
7. Illicit Prescription Drug Use Among Pharmacists: Evidence of a Paradox of Familiarity, by Dean A. Dabney and Richard C. Hollinger
SECTION V. Crime in Systems of Social Control: White-Collar Crime in Criminal Justice, Political, and Religious Systems
8. Violated Trust: Conceptualizing Prosecutorial Misconduct, by Heather Schoenfeld
9. Uncollaring the Criminal: Understanding the Criminal Careers of Criminal Clerics, by Alex R. Piquero, Nicole Leeper Piquero, Karen J. Terry, Tasha Youstin, and Matt Nobles
SECTION VI. Crimes in the Educational System
10. Intimidating Education: Sexual Harassment in Criminology, by Elizabeth A. Stanko
11. ORI Findings of Scientific Misconduct in Clinical Trials and Publicly Funded Research, 1992-2002, by Sandra M. Reynolds
SECTION VII. Crime in the Economic and Technological Systems
12. Insider Trading: The SEC Meets Karl Karcher, by Elizabeth Szockyj
13. Cybercrime Against Businesses, by Ramona R. Rantala
SECTION VIII. Crimes in the Housing System
14. The Mortgage Meltdown as Normal Accidental Wrongdoing, by Donald Palmer and Michael W. Maher
15. 2009 Mortgage Fraud Report "Year in Review," by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
SECTION IX. Crimes by the Corporate System
16. Is Corporate Crime Serious Crime? Criminal Justice and Corporate Crime Control, by Ronald C. Kramer
17. Food for Thought: An Investigation of Food and Drug Administration Reporting Practices, 1995-1999, by Michael J. Lynch, Roonald J. Burns, and Jefferson E. Holcomb
SECTION X. Environmental Crime
18. Corporate Environmental Crimes and Social Inequality: New Directions for Environmental Justice Research, by David R. Simon
19. Crimes Against the Environment: Superfund Enforcement at Last, by Harold C. Barnett
SECTION XI. Explaining White-Collar Crime
20. Are White-Collar and Common Offenders the Same? An Empirical and Theoretical Critique of a Recently Proposed General Theory of Crime, by Michael L. Benson and Elizabeth Moore
21. Completely Out of Control or the Desire to Be in Control? How Low Self-Control and the Desire for Control Relate to Corporate Offending, by Nicole Leeper Piquero, Andrea Schoepfer, and Lynn Langton
22. White-Collar Crime and Criminal Careers: Specifying a Trajectory of Punctuated Situational Offending, by Nicole Leeper Piquero and Michael L. Benson
SECTION XII. Policing White-Collar Crime
23. Documenting Inadequate Care in the Nursing Home: The Story of an Undercover Agent, by Garrett E. Speaks
24. Government Whistleblowers: Crime's Hidden Victims, by Carleen A. Botsko and Robert C. Wells
SECTION XIII. Judicial Proceedings and White-Collar Crime
25. Local Prosecutors and Corporate Crime, by Michael L. Benson, Francis T. Cullen, and William J. Maakestad
26. Whistleblowing and Lawyers, by Barbara A. Belbot
SECTION XIV. The Corrections Subsystem and White-Collar Crime
27. The Special Sensitivity of White-Collar Offenders to Prison: A Critique and Research Agenda, by Michael L. Benson and Francis T. Cullen
28. "Club Fed" in Japan? Incarceration Experiences of Japanese Embezzlers, by Jurg Gerber
29. White-Collar Crime and Criminal Careers: Some Preliminary Findings, by David Weisburd, Ellen F. Chayet, and Elin J. Waring
Credits and Sources
About the Author

A good key text addressing the ever increasing levels of White Collar Crime and its detection in the work place. This would be ideal for stdudies in Security and Rsik Management at all levels.

Mr Andrew O'Brien
Public Servies, Peterborough Regional College
April 8, 2014

I really like the combined text and reader.

Dr Kent Kerley
Political Science Dept, University of Alabama at Birmingham
October 8, 2013

This book is a perfect example of where ethics is not just a question of personal values. It highlights the challenges of enforcement and a new way of managing the protection of whistle-blowers. White-collar crime is a growing phenomena that needs to be examined and discussed in the class room. This is especially pertinent for students interested in business ethics and corporate governance.

Dr Pamela Robinson
International Management , Birmingham University
June 25, 2013

This book is also excellent and goes well with the essentials.

Dr Mark Button
Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, Portsmouth University
September 7, 2012

This is a good combination of original research (readings) and summary text.

Dr Danielle MacCartney
Behavioral Social Science Dept, Webster University
August 20, 2012
Key features

Key Features

  • In Focus box inserts bring the concepts to life and help readers contextualize what they are learning.
  • Discussion questions allow for further examination and critical thinking in and out of the classroom.
  • Photos enliven the text and help keep readers engaged.
  • Recent examples of white-collar crimes are included with specific consideration given to those cases that would be most interesting to students.
  • Section summaries reinforce key ideas and concepts in a way that helps readers learn about complex topics.

Visit to access these valuable instructor and student resources:

  • The password-protected Instructor Teaching Site includes a test bank, PowerPoint slides, lecture outlines, and more.
  • The free, open-access Student Study Site includes chapter quizzes; eflashcards; audio, video, and web resources; and additional SAGE journal articles with accompanying review questions.

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