Vince Bustamante Edmonton Catholic Schools
Vince Bustamante, Ed.D., is a Calgary-based instructional coach, curriculum content developer, and author. Vince specializes in working with teachers, leadership teams, schools, and school districts in implementing high impact strategies and systems. With a strong background in implementation, assessment and deep learning, he is passionate about understanding and evaluating teachers' impact. Having worked with schools and school districts across North America and internationally he brings a wide variety of experience and perspectives when looking at school improvement, pedagogical and leadership development, and implementation of high impact strategies across school environments. Vince’s doctoral research focused on the sustainable implementation of professional learning across school districts, and the impact of long-term school partnerships.
Vince has co-authored two bestselling books with Corwin Press: Great Teaching by Design and The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning. His other title: Leader Ready: Four Pathways to Prepare Aspiring School Leaders is also available from Corwin Press. You can find more information about Vince at: www.vincebustamante.com.