Beginner's Guide to Reflective Practice in Nursing
- Catherine Delves-Yates - University of East Anglia, UK
Reflective Practice in Nursing
How do I write my first reflection?
Learn how to carry out reflective practice quickly and easily with this beginner’s guide for nurses. Written for nursing students and registered nurses, this book helps build confidence in writing reflectively by using clear step-by-step guidance, insightful case studies, learning activities, and by addressing commonly asked questions from nurses and nursing students.
The book has three sections; the first starts with a simple model to help students practice a first reflection and explains how to use reflection as part of assessed work at university. The second section focuses on reflecting in practice and finding the time to do it in busy work situations. The final section helps students to think more deeply about models and theories of reflection, to develop the skills they will need to pass the final year of their course.
Essential reading for any nursing student new to reflective practice or registered nurse wanting to improve their reflective writing skills.
I have now received this text from SAGE. I would be placing this text on the reading list for MSc students to peruse as a starting point when considering reflection. A times, MSc students (who already possess a first degree) are not au-fait with reflection and its importance within nursing, Therefore, this text is a good start with this process and it gets students to consider what reflection entails and how reflection can be a learning tool in nursing.
Easy to read and well structured. makes no assumptions of previous knowledge or experience.