Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots
The Basics
- George Ritzer - University of Maryland, USA
- Jeffrey Stepnisky - MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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A new chapter (Ch. 12) examines the relationship between science, technology, and nature, and discusses one of the newest areas of sociological theory--theories of the Anthropocene.
The chapter on Feminist Theory has been extensively revised, with new sections on hegemonic masculinity, postcolonial theory, and neoliberalism, and a new biography of Raewyn Connell.
New "Contemporary Application" topics include The #MeToo Movement, anticolonialim and the destruction of statues, "fake" news, and the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 and society.
Sample Materials & Chapters
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Sociological Theory
CHAPTER 2 Classical Theories I