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40 Results Found for "600"


SAGE launches streaming video collections to support pedagogical, curricular and research needs

Los Angeles, CA. Independent academic and professional publisher SAGE today announces the launch of SAGE Video, streaming video collections designed to support a range of needs across higher education, including pedagogical use in undergraduate teaching and learning and higher-level academic study and research. Celebrating 50 years as a social and behavioral science publisher in 2015, the first three collections of video content – available now – include Education, Communication and Media Studies, and Counseling and Psychotherapy.

Intro Psych Authors from SAGE

Psychology: The science of being human

Hear directly from our award-winning Intro Psych authors! 

Learn why they wrote these books and the reasons behind the pedagogical features and instructional design of their texts.


As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair peer review process SAGE has become a supporting member of ORCID®, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID.

Using the Sage Track reviewer database

The Sage Track database contains contact information for authors who have previously submitted to the journal and reviewers who have been invited to review and/or reviewed for the journal. A user (e.g. a prospective reviewer) can create an account for a journal at any time. These searches can help identify suitable reviewers from these existing users in the system:
