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This comprehensive book is an excellent reference guide for researchers to guide them in data analysis techniques. Various topics around data analysis are discussed in detail. This is definitely a book for researchers to keep at hand all the time.
It can be used not only a one course handbook, it also have wide range of interest about data management and analysis.
This is an excellent book with 30 separate chapters, all by key authors. Covers the foundations of data analysis, linear and longitudinal models, 'new developments' and analysing qual. data. Whilst many students will probably only use the book for a specific chapter there is a wealth of information here including: feminist issues, analysing incomplete data, grounded theory, the postmodern turn. Suitable for some 3rd year UG and many PG students.
Great book that covers all the principle data analysis techniques.
I recommend it for several courses: - Interview (Master); - Research seminar in organisational psychology (Master); - Work and organisational psychology (Master).
It is a great book covering every aspect of data analysis!
An excellent detailed text on data analysis. Highly recommended to guide data analyisis for both MSc and PHd students.
This work reliefs the students of the crises of inability of reducing their computations into meaningful reports owing to lack of skills. It is indeed, a masterpiece in a dry area of interest
An excellent and comprehensive text that will provide a useful reference point for conscientious students.
For postgrad students
This is a very thorough and well-presented handbook of data analysis. Although it is a bit on the advanced side for the course I initially planned on using it for, I will definitely recommend it to my Masters graduation students.
'An excellent resource book for graduate students and professional researchers'
This is a great text for anyone in the process of planning their researh. It presents a wealth of information and guidance around the analysis of data generated through both qualitative and quantitative research approaches.
extremely detailed review and resource for students completing the dissertation- good to include both qualitative and quantitative methods
not suitable for the purpose of the course, but nevertheless a very good preparation for me - gives me the possibility to extend my knowledge
An excellent text exploring the tricky arena of quantitative and qualitative data analysis. An excellent addition to any student/course with contributions from world experts.
The title is not misleading; this truly is a handbook of data analysis. It is thorough and provides detailed information in all aspects related to the subject, from statistical treatment to interview methods and qualitative analysis. The book is graphically very well presented and is an excellent source, providing at the same time a reliable theoretical background and a very well structured approach which can help students engage in the discipline.
An excellent work, however in considering my specific needs for this module, it's emphasis on quantitative analysis and overall "theoretical" rather than "hands-on" approach is not so helpful in terms of teaching HOW TO DO qualitative data analysis.
useful text for those conducting research rather than a literature review for their dissertation
This book will be of use for students undertaking quantitative methodological research projects
Excellent text for researchers engaged in data analysis. This book deals with both quantitative and qualitative data analysis, however quantitative data analysis is the main focus of the text. Contains excellant chapters on modeling qualitative data with diagramatic representations. Not a beginners text. This book would be a great resource to experienced researchers, in particular quantitative researchers or those involved in mixed methods research.
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