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'With accounts of inspiring practice and research from around the globe, this engaging book shows how Forest School and related approaches are enriching children's learning and deepening their connections with the natural world' -Tim Gill, Patron of the Forest School Association
Key issues raised by the book include the different cultural constructs of childhood and education, and how these affect the provision for learning in natural environments. Students, practitioners and scholars in early childhood and wider education will find the text a useful reference. There are points for practice, lucid case studies and useful lists for further reading, which may be difficult to find elsewhere; being able to access international authors and their references in one book is useful.
A really helpful text to illustrate an English perspective on Forest schools.
Descriptive and current information relevant for current course
Excellent textbook covering all aspects of Forest School internationally; for use on all ECE and Primary Courses. All students will access this book and tutors can use sections for teaching this popular topic
As we increasingly look to other countries and their education systems for inspiration, this text offers great insight with forest school as its central focus.
An inspiring text helping to enthuse and inform practitioners and students. This is an important resource for our students.
Foundation Degree students looking at the blending of contemporary provisions against the EYFS will find this text informative and useful.
This book is excellent in providing an international perspective on Forest School education.The book covers a range of interesting topics such as Aboriginal Children's Participation and Engagement. This chapter gives and overview of bush school experiences and links to theorists such as Bronfenbrenner's Ecological System Theory. This books also compliments, Forest School for All by Sara Knight.
I found this book very interesting, having studied educational practices in other countries previously. Whilst the book is brilliant further reading material, and has given me ideas for how to teach my lessons, I wouldn't recommend it to my students.
For students in Eco Mediated Pedagogy recommended.
This book is interesting as it brings the international perspective alive and would be valuable for students wanting to extended their thoughts in this area.
No longer delivering this module
A great text for student teachers to engage with when considering learning in alternative settings.
A good companion to the other books written by the author. Clearly laid out and signposted; relevant and accessible for students
This is recommended reading for the BA (Hons) CHild Development and Education. For modules inspecting Global Childhood or Different Childhoods this book is a wonderful companion. With case Studies, activities and further reading lists, this resource is invaluable when looking at outdoor education and Forest School links theoughout the globe.
This book explores the relationships between the adult and the child. The content is very relevant to the current emphasis on two year olds.
A very useful book that provides students with an excellent insight into the key ideas underpinning Forest Schools in a day and age when too often children are discouraged from being outside by the perceived 'risks' it poses.
An well organised book that discusses the international perspectives on the Forest School approach. Activities and case studies are presented as well.
Some very interesting chapters by the different authors giving a wide range of different, international perspectives.
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.