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This book is an absolute treat. Its engaging style, its comprehensive content, its clear logic, its brilliant use of examples and above all its enormous value to qualitative researchers of all stripes add up to me wishing it had been available years ago!
A pleasantly readable and remarkably helpful guide that offers as much to experienced researchers as it does to novices. It clearly presents the “how’s” of narrative, content and discourse analysis while simultaneously dealing so thoughtfully with the “why’s” of these approaches.
This is a marvelous book. Qualitative social scientists analyzing "talk data" will benefit immensely from the astute discussion of discourse, narrative, and conversational analysis strategies. So too will quantitative researchers seeking a clear overview of this expanding methodological field.
The authors are attentive to all aspects of the interview, and identify a generally unaddressed and possibly major flaw of the qualitative method by discussing how memories are altered in retrospect and collective, not just individual, in character
A rewarding read as it crystallizes the differences and similarities among three popular approaches to analyzing talk data; it synthesizes key terminology, assumptions, relevant studies, intellectual traditions, and theoretical developments from a variety of fields. It will provide essential analytical skills and resources for faculty advising research, guided by narrative analysis, conversation analysis, and discourse analysis, and readers curious about these analytical approaches.
Its strength lies in its unique perspective, appropriate use of examples, comprehensive yet concise synthesis of existing literature, and grounded summary of analytic strategies.
A helpful and much-needed guide. Meticulous attention is given to the consistency of ontology, epistemology, analytic strategy, and the criteria of rigorous analysis. Its strength lies in its unique perspective, appropriate use of examples, comprehensive yet concise synthesis of existing literature, and grounded summary of analytic strategies.
The main merit of this book is that it demonstrates how the choice for each of these strategies is related to ontological (what can be known) and epistemological (how we know) principles. The authors succeed with brilliance in order to untangle these Gordian knots for novice researchers by conveying the concrete application of relevant analytical concepts in a very clear way. Thanks to the accessible, pleasant writing style, anyone who wants a general overview of the most common methods in Na, CA and DA, can read this work smoothly from start to finish.
This title is also available on SAGE Research Methods, the ultimate digital methods library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.