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Psychological Contracts in Employment

Psychological Contracts in Employment
Cross-National Perspectives

Edited by:

May 2000 | 336 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

The relationships between workers and firms are changing worldwide. Nowhere is this more evident than in the psychological contracts of employment - that is, the obligations workers owe to their employer, and vice versa. Psychological Contracts In Employment contains the cross-national perspectives of organizational scholars from 13 countries to examine how societies differ in the nature of psychological contracts in employment and how global business initiatives are bridging these differences.

The author team assembled by Editors Denise Rousseau and René Schalk includes social scientists with deep knowledge of the particular societies they describe, and whose personal scholarship involves psychological contract phenomena locally as well as abroad. Readers of Denise Rousseau's award-winning book Psychological Contracts in Organizations (Sage, 1995), will welcome the extension of this ground-breaking work into the global arena. Both the introductory and concluding chapters, written by the editors, provide several themes to structure and frame the book's content. Every chapter in this volume maintains a clear focus on the importance of a cross-cultural perspective on psychological contracts for today's managers, social scientists, and public policy makers.

Denise M Rousseau and René Schalk
Boris Kabanoff, Nerina L Jimmieson and Malcolm J Lewis
Psychological Contracts in Australia
A `Fair Go' or a `Not-so-Happy Transition'?

Luc Sels et al
A Culture of Compromise

Lo[um]ic Cadin
Does Psychological Contract Theory Work in France?
Cynthia Lee, Catherine H Tinsley and Zhen Xiong Chen
Psychological and Normative Contracts of Work Group Members in the United States and Hong Kong
Snehal Shah
Caste, Commitments and Change

Moshe Krausz
Psychological Contracts in Israel
Motohiro Morishima
A Break with Tradition
Negotiating New Psychological Contracts in Japan

Hector R Diaz-Saenz and Patricia D Witherspoon
Psychological Contracts in Mexico
Historical, Familial and Contemporary Forces on Work Relationships

Charissa Freese and René Schalk
Psychological Contracts in The Netherlands
Dualism, Flexibility and Security

Simon Peel and Kerr Inkson
Economic Deregulation and Psychological Contracts
The New Zealand Experience

Soon Ang, Mei Ling Tan and Kok Yee Ng
Psychological Contracts in Singapore
Lynne Millward and Peter Herriot
The Psychological Contract in the United Kingdom
Denise M Rousseau
Psychological Contracts in the United States
Diversity, Individualism and Associability in the Marketplace

Denise M Rousseau and René Schalk
Learning from Cross-National Perspectives on Psychological Contracts

"This book is valuable not only to anyone interested in the theory of psychological employment contracts, but also for anyone wanting to improve their understanding of the work contexts and cultures of various countries." 

Lise M. Saari
Director, Global Employee Research, IBM

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ISBN: 9781452264561

ISBN: 9780761916802

ISBN: 9780761916819

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