The Essentials of Political Analysis
- Philip H. Pollock III - University of Central Florida, USA
- Barry C. Edwards - University of Georgia
—Francis Neely, San Francisco State University
Gain the skills you need to conduct political analysis and critically assess statistical research.
In this Sixth Edition of The Essentials of Political Science, bestselling authors Philip H. Pollock III and Barry C. Edwards build students’ analytic abilities and develop their statistical reasoning with new data, fresh exercises, and accessible examples. This brief, accessible guide walks students through the essentials—measuring concepts, formulating and testing hypotheses, describing variables—while using key terms, chapter-opening objectives, over 80 tables and figures, and practical exercises to get them using and applying their new skills.
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Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1. The Definition and Measurement of Concepts
Chapter 6. Foundations of Statistical Inference