A Practical Guide to Early Childhood Studies Graduate Practitioner Competencies
- Aaron Bradbury - Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK
- Jackie Musgrave - Open University, UK
- Helen Perkins - The Open University
Early Childhood Curriculum
What do the Early Childhood Studies Graduate Practitioner Competencies (GPCs) mean in practice? What do they look like in settings? This book brings you case studies as examples of good practice demonstrating all of the GPCs. Each chapter covers a specific competency and includes:
- A visualisation of the competency
- Case studies to explore what each competency looks like in practice
- Expert commentary on each case study helping you to link theory to practice
This is clearly laid out for our students to follow and understand how the graduate competencies link to ECS courses. Clear case studies and reflection points prompt the reader to apply theory to practice too.
A clear outline of each ECGPC with useful case studies. The use of reflective depth in the excerpts and commentaries will be useful in supporting students achievement of this award. Some theoretical underpinning has been referred to.
Not appropriate for any modules currently
A key resource for early Childhood Studies students, explaining each element of the graduate practitioner competencies in clear detail, with an excellent range of diagrams, example case studies, and reflections to support learners to understand and consider their own practice.