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Mallett, Christopher A.

Christopher A. Mallett Cleveland State University, USA

Christopher A. Mallett, Professor of Social Work, teaches delinquency, research methods, and statistics graduate and undergraduate courses at Cleveland State University. Dr. Mallett is licensed in Ohio as a social worker and attorney and has a twenty-five-year history of working with, advocating for, and representing vulnerable adolescents and their families. His research focuses on juvenile delinquency, incarceration, and school pathways to the juvenile justice system and the impact of trauma, mental health issues, and special education (learning) disabilities. Of significant concern is the disparate impact on students of color and young people who identify as LGBTQ+. As a consultant whose expertise is utilized nationally by juvenile and family courts, school districts, and children’s service agencies, Dr. Mallett has published four books and more than 75 research papers, book chapters, and technical assistance training briefs on these topics.