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Developing Grading and Reporting Systems for Student Learning

Developing Grading and Reporting Systems for Student Learning

October 2000 | 240 pages | Corwin

Teachers, parents, students, administrators, and community members all agree that we need better grading and reporting systems. Often, these systems are inadequate because they are part of a tradition that can go unexamined and unquestioned for years. Here is the first serious look at the issue, written to provide all those involved — especially teachers — with a coherent and thoughtful framework.

Guskey and Bailey offer four pillars of successful grading and reporting systems:

  • Communication is the primary goal of grading and reporting
  • Grading and reporting are integral parts of the instructional process
  • Good reporting is based on good evidence
  • Creating change in grading and reporting requires creating a multi-faceted reporting system

Written to help readers develop a deeper and more reflective understanding of the various aspects of the subject, Thomas Guskey and Jane Bailey's work brings organization and clarity to a murky and disagreement-filled topic.

Here is a practical and essential guide for teachers, administrators or anyone concerned with understanding and implementing best practices in grading and reporting systems.

Defining the Impetus for Change
Exploring the History of Grading and Reporting
Laying a Foundation for Change
Building a Grading and Reporting System
Grading and Reporting Methods I
Letter Grades, Percentage Grades and Other Categorical Grading

Grading and Reporting Methods II
Standards-Based, Pass/Fail, Mastery Grading and Narratives

Grading and Reporting for Students with Special Needs
Special Problems in Grading and Reporting
Model Reporting Forms
Guidelines for Developing Effective Reporting Systems

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ISBN: 9781071972809

ISBN: 9780803968530

ISBN: 9780803968547