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SAGE Premier is the largest journals package offered by SAGE. It includes international, peer-reviewed journals, including high-impact research titles published on behalf of over 400 scholarly and professional societies. Its interdisciplinary coverage is unparalleled, spanning subject areas including business; humanities; social sciences; science, technology, medicine; and many more.

Living in mixed communities makes ethnic minorities feel British

People from minorities are more likely to feel part of Britain when their neighbours are from different ethnic backgrounds, research published in the journal Sociology, says.

In the most comprehensive study of community cohesion yet carried out, Dr Neli Demireva, of the University of Essex, and Professor Anthony Heath, of the University of Oxford, analysed data from two surveys on 4,391 British people, 3,582 of them from ethnic minorities.

SAGE Ocean announces Text Wash as 2019 Concept Grant winner

Over $30,000 awarded to develop smart anonymization tool that enables social scientists to access untapped textual datasets


SAGE Ocean announced today that it has awarded a Concept Grant to Text Wash, a new software tool that anonymizes personally identifiable text data, making it accessible to social scientists without compromising its usability for research.

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Sage Choice

Publish your Article Open Access in a Sage Subscription Journal with Sage Choice

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The Sage Choice program offers authors the option to publish their article open access in hybrid Sage subscription journals. It also enables authors to comply with funding body requirements, where publishing research papers open access is a stipulation of funding, while still publishing their article in the hybrid journal of their choice.

Republicans trust science - except when it comes to health insurance and gay adoption

Los Angeles, CA. A new study finds that while Democrats are generally more “pro-science” than other political groups, Republicans are also inclined to defer to science across a range of policy issues. In fact, there are only four issues where Republicans exhibit less trust than independents: global warming, evolution, gay adoption, and mandatory health insurance. This new study is part of the March 2015 issue of The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

SAGE acquires The Goodwin Group International, LLC publisher of MD Conference Express®

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE, the global independent scholarly and professional publisher, announced today the acquisition of The Goodwin Group International, LLC, publisher of MD Conference Express®, the first publication to subject medical conference highlights to the rigorous test of peer review.

The acquisition will strengthen SAGE’s ability to disseminate peer-reviewed content in medical disciplines and will complement SAGE’s current portfolio of more than 150 medical journals published on behalf of more than 100 medical societies.

Brian Coutts named 2014 Marta Lange/SAGE-CQ Press Award Winner

Chicago, IL and Los Angeles, CA - Brian E. Coutts, professor and head of the department of library public services at Western Kentucky University, has been awarded the 2014 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) Marta Lange/SAGE-CQ Press Award. The award, established in 1996 by LPSS, honors an academic or law librarian who has made distinguished contributions to bibliography and information service in law or political science.

Women in military less likely to drink than civilian women

Los Angeles, CA - While it is known that members of the U.S. military overall are more likely to use alcohol, a new study finds that female enlistees and female veterans are actually less likely to drink than their civilian counterparts. This study was published today in Armed Forces & Society, a SAGE journal published on behalf of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society.
