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32 Results Found for "Gender & Sexuality Studies"


Teach Gender & Sexuality Studies with Sage

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Covert and overt forms of sexism are equally damaging to working women

Los Angeles, CA- Frequent sexist wisecracks, comments and office cultures where women are ignored  are just as damaging to women as single instances of sexual coercion and unwanted sexual attention, according to a new study out today in The Psychology of Women Quarterly (a SAGE Journal). 

Exploring the Lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Individuals: The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies

Despite recent advancements, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals continue to face discrimination and other challenges related to school experiences, family formation, aging, and more. Examining these issues and the impact that political and societal forces have on the lives of LGBTQ individuals, The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies launches today as a three-volume set.

Objectification in romantic relationships related to sexual pressure and coercion

Los Angeles, CA - To sexually objectify a woman is to focus on her body in terms of how it can provide sexual pleasure rather than viewing her as a complete human being with thoughts and feelings. While objectification has long been considered a problem in the media, how does it affect individual romantic relationships? New research published in Psychology of Women Quarterly, a SAGE journal, finds that more objectification of a female partner’s body is related to higher incidents of sexual pressure and coercion.

Women in military less likely to drink than civilian women

Los Angeles, CA - While it is known that members of the U.S. military overall are more likely to use alcohol, a new study finds that female enlistees and female veterans are actually less likely to drink than their civilian counterparts. This study was published today in Armed Forces & Society, a SAGE journal published on behalf of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society.

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