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167 Results Found for "Reference Books"


Can stem cell biology truly change our lives? The SAGE Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research, Second Edition Available in Print and Online

Los Angeles, CA. The promising field of stem cell research is full of new procedures and exciting medical breakthroughs even with all its political and religious obstacles. In the seven years since the first edition of the SAGE Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research was published, executive orders from the Obama administration reversed previous barriers to research, and, as a result, stem cell biology has experienced wide-ranging progress.

SAGE launches statistical database for business students and researchers

Los Angeles, CA- SAGE is proud to release a collection of more than 4,000 statistical data series for students and researchers working on business plan projects and market research assignments. Titled SAGE Business Stats, it offers historic, current, and projected demographic and industry data points down to the zip-code level. SAGE Business Stats is the second in SAGE’s suite of resources that support business curricula and research and the third collection of data on the SAGE Stats platform.

SAGE Publishing acquires journal portfolio from prominent humanities and social science publisher, IP Publishing

London, UK. – SAGE Publishing, one of the world’s leading independent and academic publishers today announced the purchase of the full journal portfolio of academic journals publisher, IP Publishing Ltd.

IP Publishing Ltd is an independent company specializing in the publication of referred academic and professional journals within the humanities and social sciences. As of April 1st SAGE will be publishing the following five titles:

SAGE Research Methods moves to new platform for enhanced user experience

SAGE Publishing is pleased to launch a new platform for the SAGE Research Methods suite of products. The design of the new site was developed alongside student, academic and librarian user communities to improve discovery and user experiences and to allow users to get to the content they need more quickly. Now live, the platform features both text and video content, improved discovery and internal search functionality, and a responsive design to optimize use across devices.

#Hookahlife: Social media posts spread misleading information on hookah use

A new study finds that Instagram users using #hookah or #shisha portray hookah use in an overwhelmingly positive manner, despite its serious health risks. Published in Health Education & Behavior, the study authors examined nearly 300 Instagram posts and found that the portrayal and promotion of hookah smoking on social media can normalize its use and pose public health challenges.

Extinction and climate change: An interview with Elizabeth Kolbert

The New Yorker staff writer explains how she researched and why she wrote her new book, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

Los Angeles, London - A large proportion of Americans do not believe climate change is occurring. Prominent environmental writer Elizabeth Kolbert explores the denialist phenomenon, the challenges of saving wildlife from extinction, and the journalist’s role in communicating science in an exclusive interview with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published by SAGE.
