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Series Editors: Richard D. Parsons, PhD and Naijian Zhang, PhD
SAGE's Counseling and Professional Identity (CPI) Series fosters the development of knowledgeable- and caring professional counselors by providing texts for a wide range of courses offered in most Counseling training programs. The CPI text authors are both instructors and practitioners whose content is informed by their field-tested experience. Case illustrations, self reflection exercises, and keystone summaries help future counselors practice their skills and develop their professional identity.
The foundational texts in the Series focus on core counseling skills and integrate CACREP standards. Offerings include: Introduction to Counseling, Counseling Skills, Counseling Theory, Research Methods, Assessment, Cross-Cultural/Multicultural, Ethics, Group Counseling, Lifespan/Human Development, and Career.
Advanced texts in the Series include Adult Counseling, Consultation, Sexuality Counseling, School Counseling, and Child and Adolescent Counseling.
Whether you're teaching a single course or looking to implement a consistent approach across several courses in your program, SAGE's Counseling and Professional Identity texts will be invaluable resources for helping you develop the counselors of tomorrow.