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Icelandic Consortium for e-Subscriptions

Agreement            Journals                  Process                  Benefits                   FAQs


Sage has an agreement with the Icelandic Consortium for e-Subscriptions to assist with open access article processing charges (APCs) for authors in Iceland.

To qualify for the agreement, the corresponding author must be based in Iceland at the time of submission, and have an article accepted for publication in an eligible journal between January 01, 2024, and December 31, 2025. 

Publish open access in a subscription journal
As a corresponding author you can publish open access in your choice of 900+ subscription journals offering hybrid open access (Sage Choice) free of charge, with no APC to pay.
Charges other than the APC may still apply, please refer to individual journal submission guidelines.

Publish in a gold open access journal
As a corresponding author you can publish your article in a gold open access journal with a 20% discount on the APC. 
Where you are eligible for more than one discount, the highest discount available to the author will be applied to the APC. Discounts cannot be combined.

Eligible Journals

Subscription journals

Visit the Sage Journals website to discover the right journal for your research, then use the list below to check whether your chosen journal is one of the 900+ Sage subscription journals that offer free hybrid open access publishing as part of the Icelandic Consortium for eSubscriptions agreement: 2019 Sage Premier Package

Gold open access journals

Discover our gold open access journals that offer a 20% discount on the APC: Gold open access journals

Find a Sage Journal


If you are based in Iceland, as the Corresponding Author, your article will automatically qualify for the applicable discount or waiver upon acceptance for publication in an eligible journal.

Step 1: Submission. Submit your paper via the submission system for your chosen journal (please check the list of Eligible Journals).

Step 2: Peer Review. Your paper will benefit from the high standards of peer review that we are committed to at Sage. Find out more about the peer review process.  

Step 3: Production. When your article has been accepted and enters production, you will receive communication via Sage Journals: Licensing & Payment with an invitation to accept your APC offer and select your Creative Commons license.


Why publish open access?

Greater visibility and impact - Publishing open access means that more people can view and cite your work as there are no barriers to access.
More control over your work - Under a Creative Commons license, authors retain greater control over their intellectual property and the rights to distribute and re-use work.

Meet your funder's open access requirement - Many funding bodies require research conducted with their funding to be published open access and/or under a particular Creative Commons license.



Q. Which affiliation will be considered for Open Access agreement eligibility if I have more than one?

Q. How do I know if I have received a waiver or discount on the APC?

Q. What do I do if I haven’t received an email from the Sage Open Access Portal?