Interpretive Political Science
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Mark Bevir - University of California, Berkeley, USA
April 2010 | 1 728 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
'Interpretive' political science describes a broad range of approaches that challenge scientism for its lack of sensitivity to meanings, subjectivity and historical context. Much interpretive political study is founded on the insistence on the importance of meanings in human action and draws on the rich philosophical traditions of Schultz, Foucault, Derrida and Ricoeur, joined in the 1980s and 1990s by radical scholars influenced by cultural Marxism and post-foundationalism. Interpretive Political Science capitalizes on the growth and vigor of this field of study, bringing together for the first time a selection of writings that encompass theory and methods as well as policy and practice.
Edited by Mark Bevir
a.) General
Frank C. Richardson and Blaine J. Fowers
Thomas Schwandt
b.) Meaning in Action
Alfred Schultz
Paul Ricoeur
Peter Winch
Charles Taylor
Miguel Cabrera
c.) Tradition and Agency
Jacques Derrida
David Shaw
Mark Bevir
Vivienne Brown
Andreas Reckwitz
d.) Narrative and Critique
Molly Patterson and Kristen Renwick Monroe
Mark Bevir
Michel Foucault
Raymond Geuss
Bernard Williams
Michael T. Gibbons
Mark Bevir and R. A. W. Rhodes
b.) Qualitative Methods
Ann Lin
David Collier and Robert Adcock
Mark Bevir and Asaf Kedar
Ralph Brower, Mithce Abolafia and Jered Carr
Yvonna Lincoln
c.) Ethnography and Interviewing
Clifford Geertz
Bayard de Volo, Lorraine and Edward Schatz
Beth Leech
Marjorie Devault
Karen Golden-Biddle and Karen Locke
d.) Textual Analysis
Steve Stemler
Michael Laver, Kenneth Benoit and John Garry
Ernesto Laclau
Teun A. van Dijk
Nelson Goldman and Catherine Z. Elgin
Keith Topper
Lisa Wedeen
Beliefs and Identities
Kenneth D. Wald, Adam L. Silverman and Kevin S. Fridy
Anna Marie Smith
David Howarth
Mark Laffey and Jutta Weldes
b.) Cultural Practices
Cedric Jourde
Thomas Perreault
Howard Gilman
Brian Frederking
c.) Traditions and Resistance
Rogers Smith
Stuart Hall
Jessica Allina-Pisano
John Clarke
d.) Historical Sociology
Thomas Lemke
Thomas Clay Arnold
Paul Willis
Michael Shapiro
Jay White
Mary Schmidt
b.) Policy Analysis - Theory
John Dryzek
Linda Smircich
Bruce Jennings
Dvora Yanow
Maarten A. Hajer
c.) Policy Analysis - Practice
John Loughlin and B. Guy Peters
Robin P. Clair
Gavan Duffy, Brian Frederking and Seth A. Tucker
Caroline Tauxe
Lisa Wedeen
d.) Dialogue and Deliberation
Mats Alvesson
Hal Colebatch and Pieter Degeling
John Forester
Frank Fischer
Judith Innes and David Booher