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Journal of Berry Research

Journal of Berry Research

eISSN: 18785123 | ISSN: 18785093

The main objective of the Journal of Berry Research is to improve the knowledge about quality and production of berries to benefit health of the consumers and maintain profitable production using sustainable systems. The objective will be achieved by focusing on four main areas of research and development:

  • From genetics to variety evaluation
    Nursery production systems and plant quality control
  • Plant physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as cultural management
  • Health for the consumer: components and factors affecting berries' nutritional value

Specifically, the journal will cover berries (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry currants, etc.), as well as grapes and small soft fruit in general (e.g., kiwi fruit). It will publish research results covering all areas of plant breeding, including plant genetics, genomics, functional genomics, proteomics and metabolomics, plant physiology, plant pathology and plant development, as well as results dealing with the chemistry and biochemistry of bioactive compounds contained in such fruits and their possible role in human health. Contributions detailing possible pharmacological, medical or therapeutic use or dietary significance will be welcomed in addition to studies regarding biosafety issues of genetically modified plants.

The Journal of Berry Research will feature reviews, research articles, brief communications, position papers, letters and patent updates.

Maurizio Battino Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Associate Editors
Francesca Giampieri Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Saudi Arabia
Luca Mazzoni Marche Polytechnic University, Italy
Silvia Sabbadini Marche Polytechnic University, Italy
Elwira Sieniawska Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Li-Shu Wang University of Wisconsin, USA
Jianbo Xiao Jinan University, China
Editorial Board Members
Atanas G. Atanasov Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Arpita Basu Oklahoma State University, USA
Ricardo Boavida Ferreira ITQB
Ruben Bottini Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina
Britt Burton-Freeman Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Esra Capanoglu Guven Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Gemma Casadesus University of Florida, USA
Beatrice Denoyes-Rothan INRA
Kevin Folta University of Florida, USA
Tamara Yulliett Forbes-Hernandez University of Granada, Spain
Balz Frei Oregon State University, USA
Marina Gambardella Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Diego F. Garcia Diaz University of Chile, Chile
Massimiliano Gasparrini Marche Polytechnic University, Italy
Justyna Godos University of Catania, Italy
James Hancock Michigan State University, USA
Roger Hurst Food & Wellness Group
Harry Kuiper RILKIT Wageningen
Margit Laimer da Camara Machado University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
Gordon J. McDougall The James Hutton Institute
Bruno Mezzetti Università Politecnica della Marche
Etsuo Niki University of Tokyo
Octavio Paredes-Lopez Centro de Investigacion y de Estodies Avanzados del IPN, Mexico
David Pereira Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Dov Prusky Volcani Center
Jose Luis Quiles University of Granada, Spain
Bruce Reisch Cornell University, USA
Navindra P. Seeram University of Rhode Island, USA
Barbara Shukitt-Hale Tufts University, USA
Jeremy P.E. Spencer University of Reading, UK
Jill Stanley Plant & Food Research Clyde
Gary Stoner Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Derek Stuart James Hutton Institute
Fumiomi Takeda Appalachian Fruit Research Station - USDA ARS
Takanori Tsuda Chubu University Kasugai
Francesco Visioli IMDEA-Food, Spain
Qin Yonghua  South China Agricultural University
Yuntao Zhang Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences

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