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Journal of Endovascular Therapy

Journal of Endovascular Therapy

eISSN: 15451550 | ISSN: 15266028 | Current volume: 32 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-monthly

The Journal of Endovascular Therapy (formerly the Journal of Endovascular Surgery) was established in 1994 as a forum for all physicians, scientists, and allied healthcare professionals who are engaged or interested in endovascular techniques and technology. An official publication of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists (ISEVS), the Journal of Endovascular Therapy publishes peer-reviewed articles of interest to clinicians and researchers in the field of endovascular interventions.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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The Journal’s scope is multidisciplinary, representing all topics related to minimally invasive vascular diagnosis and treatment. Original clinical studies, experimental investigations, systematic reviews, case reports, technical notes, vascular images, editorials, and letters to the editors are published, as well as feature articles related to endovascular interventions, advanced imaging, novel techniques like artificial intelligence and translational research (including basic science) leading to better vascular interventions.

The Journal seeks to support vascular specialists of all disciplines, improve patient care, and promote research and development by publishing peer-reviewed materials related to the field of endovascular therapy.

Alan B. Lumsden, MD Houston, TX, USA
Rodney A. White, MD Torrance, CA, USA
Kak Khee Yeung, MD, PhD, FEBVS Amsterdam, Netherlands
Associate Editors
Jean Bismuth, MD, FACS Houston, TX, USA
Igor Koncar, MD, PhD Belgrade, Serbia
Assistant Editors - Artificial Intelligence
Juliette Raffort, MD, PhD Nice, France
Jelmer Wolterink, PhD Utrecht, Netherlands
Assistant Editors
Carlos F. Bechara, MD, DFSVS Maywood, IL, USA
Jan D. Blankensteijn, MD Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jorg L. de Bruin, MD, PhD, FRCS, FEBVS Rotterdam, Netherlands
Anahita Dua, MD, MS, MBA Boston, MA, USA
Panos Kougias, MD Houston, TX, USA
Maria Antonella Ruffino, MD, EBIR Turin, Italy
Vittorio Semeraro, MD, PhD Taranto, Italy
Sherene Sharath, PhD, MPH Brooklyn, NY, USA
Joost van der Vorst, MD, PhD Leiden, Netherlands
Clark J. Zeebregts, MD, PhD Groningen, Netherlands
Junior Editors
Anand Brahmandam, MD Chicago, IL, USA
Bahaa Nasr, MD, PhD Brest, France
Marina Dias Neto, MD, PhD Porto, Portugal
Gergana T. Taneva, MD, PhD Madrid, Spain
Editorial Board
Ali F. AbuRahma, MD Charleston, WV, USA
Gary M. Ansel, MD Columbus, OH, USA
Ehrin J. Armstrong, MD, MS St. Helena, CA, USA
Subhash Banerjee, MD Dallas, TX, USA
Frederic Baumann, MD Zurich, Switzerland
Colin D. Bicknell, MD, FRCS London, UK
Gintautas Bieliauskas, MD Copenhagen, Denmark
Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai, MD, Mstat Rome, Italy
Theodosios Bisdas, MD Münster, Germany
Dittmar Böckler, MD, PhD Heidelberg, Germany
Marc Bosiers, MD Dendermonde, Belgium
Johnathan R. Boyle, MD, FRCS Cambridge, UK
Jan S. Brunkwall, MD, PhD Cologne, Germany
Jacques Busquet, MD Paris, France
Jonathan Cardella, MSc, MD, FRCS, FACS New Haven, CT, USA
Allan M. Conway, MBChB (Hons) New York City, NY, USA
Victor Costache, MD, PhD Sibiu, Romania
Mike Dake, MD Stanford, CA, USA
Gert De Borst, MD, PhD Utrecht, Netherlands
Gianmarco de Donato Siena, Italy
Jean-Paul P.M. De Vries, MD Groningen, Netherlands
Larry J. Diaz-Sandoval, MD Wyoming, MI, USA
Nicholas Diehm, MD Aarau, Switzerland
Konstantinos Donas, MD Frankfurt, Germany
Zhihui Dong, MD Shanghai, China
Hasan H. Dosluoglu, MD Buffalo, NY, USA
Barry Doyle, PhD Crawley, Australia
Fabrizio Fanelli, MD, EBIR Florence, Italy
C. Alberto Figueroa, PhD Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Robert K. Fisher, MD, FRCS Liverpool, UK
Efstratios Georgakarakos, MD, PhD Alexandroupolis, Greece
Athanasios Giannoukas, MD, PhD Larissa, Greece
Wei Guo, MD Beijing, China
Stephan Haulon, MD Lille, France
Osamu Iida, MD Amagasaki, Japan
William D. Jordan Jr., MD Atlanta, GA, USA
George Joseph, DM Vellore, India
Dimitris Karnabatidis, MD, PhD, EBIR Rion, Greece
Konstantinos Katsanos, MSc, MD, PhD, EBIR London, UK
Osami Kawarada, MD Osaka, Japan
N.N. Khanna New Delhi, India
Tilo Kölbel, MD Hamburg, Germany
Zvonimir Krajcer, MD Houston, TX, USA
John R. Laird, MD St. Helena, CA, USA
Johannes Lammer, MD, EBIR Vienna, Austria
Fabien Lareyre, MD, PhD Antibes, France
Armando C. Lobato, MD Sao Paulo, Brazil
Richard G. McWilliams, MD Liverpool, UK
Marco Midulla, MD, PhD, EBIR Dijon, France
Joseph L. Mills, Sr, MD Houston, TX, USA
Frans Moll, MD, PhD Utrecht, Netherlands
Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck, MD Flensburg, Germany
Erin H. Murphy, MD New York, NY, USA
Gustavo Oderich, MD Rochester, MN, USA
Takao Ohki, MD Tokyo, Japan
Lorenzo Patrone, MD London, UK
Ivo Petrov, MD Sofia, Bulgaria
Ourania Preventza, MD Houston, TX, USA
Zoran Rancic, MD, PhD, FEBVS Zurich, Switzerland
Donald B. Reid, MD, FRCS Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Michel M.P.J. Reijnen, MD, PhD Arnhem, Netherlands
Timothy A. Resch, MD Malmo, Sweden
Carla van Rijswijck, MD, PhD Leiden, Netherlands
Giuseppe Sangiorgi, MD Rome, Italy
Dierk Scheinert, MD Leipzig, Germany
Carlo Setacci, MD Siena, Italy
Nicholas W. Shammas, MD Davenport, IA, USA
Mehdi Shishehbor, DO Cleveland, OH, USA
Chang Shu, MD, PhD Beijing, China
Stavros Spiliopoulos, MD, PhD, EBIR Athens, Greece
Sherif Sultan, MD, FRCS, FEBVS Galway, Ireland
Zhonghua Sun, PhD Perth, Western Australia
Robert A. Taylor, MD Minneapolis, MN, USA
Gunnar Tepe, MD Rosenheim, Germany
Francesco Torella, FRCS Liverpool, UK
Giovanni Torsello, MD Münster, Germany
Ramesh K. Tripathi, FRCS, FRACS Sunshine Coast, Australia
Jos C. van den Berg, MD Lugano, Switzerland
Joost A. van Herwaarden, MD, PhD Utrecht, Netherlands
Marc R.H.M. van Sambeek, MD Eindhoven, Netherlands
Ramon Varcoe, FRACS Randwick, Australia
Hence Verhagen, MD Rotterdam, Netherlands
Eric L. G. Verhoeven, MD, PhD Nuremberg, Germany
Lixin Wang, MD, PhD Shanghai, China
Anders Wanhainen, MD, PhD Uppsala, Sweden
Thomas Zeller, MD Bad Krozingen, Germany
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  • Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica (SIIC)
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