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The American Journal of Sports Medicine

The American Journal of Sports Medicine

eISSN: 15523365 | ISSN: 03635465 | Current volume: 53 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: 14 Times/YearTimes/Year

An invaluable resource for the orthopaedic sports medicine community, The American Journal of Sports Medicine is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, first published in 1972. It is the official publication of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)! The journal acts as an important forum for independent orthopaedic sports medicine research and education, allowing clinical practitioners the ability to make decisions based on sound scientific information.

This journal is a must-read for:

  • Orthopaedic Surgeons and Specialists
  • Sports Medicine Physicians
  • Physiatrists
  • Athletic Trainers
  • Team Physicians
  • And Physical Therapists

Topics covered include:

  • ACL – injury & reconstruction
  • Arthroscopic techniques
  • Basic science relevant to clinical sports medicine, including the subjects of anatomy, biomechanics, and cell biology
  • Children & adolescents
  • Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Epidemiology of sports injuries
  • Female athletes
  • Imaging studies
  • Surgical techniques for the knee, shoulder, elbow, and ankle
  • Specific injuries including shoulder, knee and meniscus subjects
  • Rehabilitation & training
  • Sport specific subjects such as soccer, baseball and football issues
  • Treatment techniques

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)

As a world leader in sports medicine education, research, communication and fellowship, The AOSSM is a national organization of orthopaedic surgeons specializing in sports medicine, including national and international sports medicine leaders. The AOSSM works closely with many other sports medicine specialists and clinicians, including family physicians, emergency physicians, pediatricians, athletic trainers and physical therapists, to improve the identification, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries.

Formed in 1972 primarily as a forum for education and research, the AOSSM has grown from its modest initial membership of fewer than 100 to close to 3,000.

Through research and advances in surgical and rehabilitation techniques, orthopaedic sports medicine specialists have been able to treat and rehabilitate athletes whose injuries were once career-ending and put them back in the game. Members must demonstrate continuing active research and educational activities in the field of sports medicine. Such activities may include service as a team physician at any level of competition, educating persons involved with the health of athletes, service to local, regional, national and international competitions, and the presentation of scientific research papers at sports medicine meetings.

The unifying interest of the membership is their concern with the effects of exercise and the monitoring of its impact on active individuals of all ages, abilities and levels of fitness.

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The American Journal of Sports Medicine, founded in 1972, is the official publication of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. It contains original articles addressed to orthopaedic surgeons specializing in sports medicine, and to team physicians, athletic trainers, and physical therapists focusing on the causes and effects of injury or disease resulting from or affected by athletic injury.

Brett D. Owens, MD Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Deputy Editor
Daniel C. Wascher, MD University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Associate Editors: Current Concepts
Timothy Foster, MD Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Associate Editor: Biomechanics
Braden C. Fleming, PhD Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Associate Editor: Epidemiology and Statistics
James L. Carey, MD, MPH Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Associate Editor: Hip and Thigh
Andrea M. Spiker, MD Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Associate Editor: Electronic Media and Women's Sports Medicine
Miho Jean Tanaka, MD Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Associate Editor: Translational Biology
Scott A. Rodeo, MD New York, New York, USA
Associate Editor: Clinical Trials and Statistics
David C. Landy, MD, PhD Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Associate Editor: Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Medicine
Theodore J. Ganley, MD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Editor Emeritus
Robert E. Leach, MD; 1991-2001 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Bruce Reider, MD: 2002-2024 Chicago, Illinois, USA
Founding Editor
Jack C. Hughston, MD; 1972-1990 Columbus, Georgia, USA
AOSSM Publishing Advisory Board
Stephen F. Brockmeier, MD University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Charles A. Bush-Joseph, MD, Chair Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Lutul D. Farrow, MD Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Frank Winston Gwathmey Jr, MD University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Christopher Kaeding, MD Columbus, Ohio, USA
Mark D. Miller, MD University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Martha Meaney Murray, MD Children's Hospital of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Bruce Reider, MD University of Chicago, AOSSM, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Beth Shubin Stein, MD Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, New York, USA
Dean C. Taylor, MD Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Edward M. Wojtys, MD Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Editorial Staff
Donna Tilton, ELS Senior Editorial and Production Manager
Tere Hostetler Editorial Administrator
Editorial Board
Paul W. Ackermann, MD, PhD Stockholm, Sweden
Ryuichiro Akagi, MD, PhD Chiba, Japan
John P. Albright, MD Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Louis C. Almekinders, MD Durham, North Carolina, USA
Annunziato Amendola, MD Durham, North Carolina, USA
Christian N. Anderson, MD Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Kyle Anderson, MD Southfield, Michigan, USA
Jack T. Andrish, MD Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Michael Angeline, MD Goshen, New York, USA
Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Rafael Arriaza Loureda, MD, PhD A Coruña, Spain
Michael Askew, PhD Akron, Ohio, USA
Aravind Athiviraham, MD, FRCS(C) Chicago, Illinois, USA
Juan D. Ayala, MD, PhD Madrid, Spain
Olufemi R. Ayeni, MD, PhD Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Frederick M. Azar, MD Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Clara Azevedo, MD Lisboa, Portugal
Champ Baker III, MD Columbus, Georgia, USA
Bjorn Barenius, MD, PhD Stockholm, Sweden
Johannes Robert Hermann Barth, MD Grenoble, France
Phillipe Beaufils, MD Versailles, France
Knut Beitzel, MD München, Germany
Paulo Santoro Belangero, MD, PhD São Paulo, Brazil
Jillian E. Beveridge, PhD Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Bruce D. Beynnon, PhD Burlington, Vermont, USA
Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD Istanbul, Turkey
Meaghan E. Bishop, MD Medford, New Jersey, USA
Barry P. Boden, MD Rockville, Maryland, USA
Berte Bøe, MD, PhD Oslo, Norway
Ionna K. Bolia, MD, MS, PhD Los Angeles, California, USA
Matthew Brick, MBChB, FRACS(Ortho) Auckland, New Zealand
Robert H. Brophy, MD St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Charles A. Bush-Joseph, MD, Chair Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Gianluca Camillieri, MD Rome, Italy
Abigail Campbell, MD New York, New York, USA
Michael R. Carmont, MBBS, FRCS(Tr&Ortho) Telford, UK
James E. Carpenter, MD Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Jose Castillo de la Peña, MD Huixquilucan, Mexico
Etienne Cavaignac, MD, PhD Institut de l'appareil locomoteur, CHU Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Chih-Hwa Chen, MD Taipei, Taiwan
Shiyi Chen, MD, PhD Shanghai, China
Moises Cohen, MD Sao Paulo, Brazil
Steven Brad Cohen, MD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
John E. Conway, MD Ft. Houston, Texas, USA
Ziad Dahabreh, MBBS, MSc, FRCS(Tr&Orth) Amman, Jordan
Derik L. Davis, MD Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Louis E. DeFrate, PhD Durham, North Carolina, USA
Juan Miguel Del Castillo, MD Montevideo, Uruguay
Dinesh Dhanaraj, MD, MSPH Langhorne, Pennsylvania, USA
Jonathan F. Dickens, MD Durham, North Carolina, USA
Lee H. Diehl, MD Durham, North Carolina, USA
Ron L. Diercks, MD Groningen, the Netherlands
Patrick J. Djian, MD Paris, France
Christopher C. Dodson, MD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Jason L. Dragoo, MD Englewood, California, USA
Matej Drobnic, MD, PhD Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD Oslo, Norway
Pieter J. Erasmus, MBChB, MMed (ortho) Stellenbosch, South Africa
Douglas A. Evans, MD Maywood, Illinois, USA
Lutul D. Farrow, MD Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Julian A. Feller, FRACS Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Giuseppe Filardo, MD, PhD Bologna, Italy
Donald C. Fithian, MD Torrey Pines Orthopaedic Medical Group, San Diego, California, USA
Cristian A. Fontbote, MD Santiago, Chile
Brian Forsythe, MD Chicago, Illinois, USA
Lisa A. Fortier, DVM, PhD Ithaca, New York, USA
Michael Thomas Freehill, MD Stanford, California, USA
James Warner Genuario, MD, MS Lone Tree, Colorado, USA
Alan M.J. Getgood, MD, FRCS London, Ontario, Canada
Deepak Goyal, MBBS, MS, DNB Ahmedabad, India
Mark D. Grabiner, PhD Chicago, Illinois, USA
Sharon L. Hame, MD Los Angeles, California, USA
Michael Elias Hantes, MD Larisa, Greece
Christopher D. Harner, MD Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Richard J. Hawkins, MD Greenville, South Carolina, USA
Kate A. Heinlein, MD Decatur, Georgia, USA
Iftach Hetsroni, MD Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Lena Hirtler, MA, MD, PhD Vienna, Austria
Yuichi Hoshino, MD, PhD Kobe, Japan
Yinghui Hua, MD, PhD Shanghai, China
Christophe Hulet, MD Caen, France
Mark R. Hutchinson, MD Chicago, Illinois, USA
Omer A. Ilahi, MD Houston, Texas, USA
Andreas B. Imhoff, MD Munich, Germany
Eivind Inderhaug, MD, MPH, PhD Bergen, Norway
Michael Ilias Iosifidis, MD, PhD Thessaloniki, Greece
Eiji Itoi, MD, PhD Sendai, Japan
Timo Jaakko Jarvela, MD, PhD Tampere, Finland
Andrew Esteban Jimenez, MD Trumbull, Connecticut, USA
David Paul Johnson, MD, FRCSC(Orth) Bristol, UK
Robert J. Johnson, MD Burlington, Vermont, USA
Grant Lloyd Jones, MD Columbus, Ohio, USA
Kristofer Jones, MD Los Angeles, California, USA
Jay Vinodrai Kalawadia, MD Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA
Mustafa Karahan, MD Istanbul, Turkey
Jakub Kautzner, MD, PhD Prague, Czech Republic
Susan L. Keays, BSc, BA(Hons), PhD Nambour, Australia
Keith Kenter, MD Western Michigan University School of Medicine, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Erica Kholinne, MD, PhD Jakarta, Indonesia
Miguel A. Khoury, MD Hudson, Argentina
Ata Kiapour, PhD Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Jin Goo Kim, MD, PhD Seoul, Korea
Seung-Ho Kim, MD, PhD Seoul, Korea
Donald T. Kirkendall, PhD Cary, North Carolina, USA
Christoph Kittl, PhD London, UK
Masahiko Kobayashi, MD, PhD Kyoto, Japan
Elizaveta Kon, MD Milano, Italy
Thomas J. Kremen, MD Los Angeles, California, USA
Aaron J. Krych, MD Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Adam Kwapisz, MD, PhD Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
Robert F. LaPrade Edina, Minnesota, USA
Mario Victor Larrain, MD Buenos Aires, Argentina
Daniel Latt, MD, PhD Tucson, Arizona, USA
Lance E. LeClere, MD Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Yee Han Dave Lee, MBBS, Mmed(Ortho), FRCS (Trauma & Ortho) National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore
Steven D. Levin, MD Skokie, Illinois, USA
Xinning Li, MD Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Jit-Kheng Lim, MBBCh, FRCSEd, FRCSGlasg, FRCSEd(Orth), MSportMed Singapore, Singapore
Paulo Jose Llinás, MD Cali, Columbia
Olaf Lorbach, MD, PhD Lorsch, Germany
Lisa Jean Lovse, MD Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA
C. Benjamin Ma, MD San Francisco, CA, USA
Krishna Mallik, MD Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Michael Maloney, MD Rochester, New York, USA
Ajay Malviya, PhD, FRCS Ashington, UK
David F. Martin, MD Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
David R. McAllister, MD Los Angeles, California, USA
Eric C. McCarty, MD Boulder, Colorado, USA
Ian D. McDermott, MBBS, MS, FRCS London, UK
Edward R. McDevitt, MD Arnold, Maryland, USA
Edward McFarland, MD Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Timothy J. McMeniman, MBBS FRACS Brisbane, Australia
Molly Meadows, MD Redwood City, California, USA
Jacques Menetrey, MD Geneva, Switzerland
Prashant Meshram, MBBS, MS, DNB Hyderabad, India
Melodie Metzger, PhD Los Angeles, California, USA
Antonio C. Miguel, MD Mexico City, Mexico
Bruce S. Miller, MD Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Mark D. Miller, MD University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Peter J. Millett, MD Vail, Colorado, USA
Abdulhamit Misir, MD Istanbul, Turkey
Mary Mulcahey, MD Maywood, Illinois, USA
Volker Musahl, MD Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD Osaka, Japan
Jeffrey J. Nepple, MD St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Joseph T. Nguyen, MPH HSS, New York, NY, USA
Yuichiro Nishizawa, MD, PhD Kobe, Japan
Michael A. Oberlander, MD Walnut Creek, California, USA
Joo Han Oh, MD, PhD Seongnam, Republic of Korea
Matthieu P. Ollivier, MD, PhD Marseille, France
Sam Oussedik, BSc, MBBS, FRCS(Tr&Orth) London, UK
Nirav K. Pandya, MD Oakland, California, USA
Ji Soon Park, MD Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
David A. Parker, MBBS (Hons), B Med, Sci, FRACS Sydney, Australia
Lonnie E. Paulos, MD Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Crystal A. Perkins, MD Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Mark J. Philippon, MD Vail, Colorado, USA
Halit Pinar, MD Izmir, Turkey
Cécile Pougès, MD Lille, France
Nicolas Pujol, MD Le Chesnay, France
Anil Ranawat, MD New York, New York, USA
Per A. Renstrom, MD, PhD Stockholm, Sweden
Luciano Rossi, PhD Buenos Aires, Argentina
Derek Rutherford, PT, PhD Halifax, Canada
Payam W. Sabetian, MD, MSc Guatemala City, Guatemala
Marc R. Safran, MD Stanford, California, USA
Hatem G. Said, MD, FRCSI Assiut, Egypt
Kristin L. Sainani, PhD Stanford, California, USA
Adnan Saithna, MBChB, MSc, BMedSci, Dip SEM Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Eric Samuelson, MD Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Sven U. Scheffler, MD Berlin, Germany
Robert C. Schenck Jr, MD Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Matthew R. Schmitz, MD San Diego, California, USA
Timothy C. Sell, PhD Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Joseph Milo Sewards, MD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Robert M. Shalvoy, MD Providence, Rhode Island, USA
K. Donald Shelbourne, MD Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Margaret Smith, PhD St. Leonards, Australia
Gary S. Solomon, PhD Colchester, Vermont, USA
Charles C. Stroud, MD Troy, Michigan, USA
Michael J. Stuart, MD Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Yoshitsugu Takeda, MD, PhD Tokushima, Japan
Laura Timmerman, MD Walnut Creek, California, USA
Vehniah K. Tjong, MD Chicago, Illinois, USA
Marc Tompkins, MD Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Pedro Javier Tort-Saade, MD San Juan, Puerto Rico
Bruce C. Twaddle, MBChB, FRACS Auckland, New Zealand
Samuel K. Van de Velde, MD, MPH, PhD New York, New York, USA
Michael L. Voight, DHSc Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Dharmesh Vyas, MD, PhD Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Brian E. Walczak, DO, PhD Aurora, Illinois, USA
William Robert Walsh, PhD Randwick, NSW, Australia
David Wasserstein, MD, MSc Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Kate E. Webster, PhD Bundoora, Australia
Robert W. Westermann, MD Iowa City, Iowa
Bryan J. Whitfield, MD Decatur, Georgia, USA
Thomas L. Wickiewicz, MD New York, New York, USA
Richard M. Wilk, MD Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Andy Williams, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCS(Orth), FFSEM(UK) London, UK
Ivan Ho-Bun Wong, MD, FRCS(C) Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Kazunori Yasuda, MD, PhD Sapporo, Japan
WP Yau, MBBS, FRCSE, FHKCOS, FHKAM Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Yi-Meng Yen, MD, PhD Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Jae Chul Yoo, MD, PhD Seoul, Republic of Korea
Alan Zhang, MD San Francisco, California, USA
Electronic Media Editorial Board
Ryuichiro Akagi, MD, PhD Chiba, Japan
Aravind Athiviraham, MD, FRCS(C) Chicago, Illinois, USA
Clara Azevedo, MD Lisboa, Portugal
Knut Beitzel, MD München, Germany
Paulo Santoro Belangero, MD, PhD São Paulo, Brazil
Berte Bøe, MD, PhD Oslo, Norway
Ziad Dahabreh, MBBS, MSc, FRCS(Tr&Orth) Amman, Jordan
Jonathan F. Dickens, MD Durham, North Carolina, USA
Eivind Inderhaug, MD, MPH, PhD Bergen, Norway
Erica Kholinne, MD, PhD Jakarta, Indonesia
Thomas J. Kremen, MD Los Angeles, California, USA
Xinning Li, MD Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Mary Mulcahey, MD Maywood, Illinois, USA
Miho Jean Tanaka, MD Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Kate E. Webster, PhD Bundoora, Australia
Robert W. Westermann, MD Iowa City, Iowa
Ivan Ho-Bun Wong, MD, FRCS(C) Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Emeritus Editorial Board Members
Allen F. Anderson, MD deceased
Steven P. Arnoczky, DVM East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Alfred Atanda, MD Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Champ L. Baker, Jr., MD Columbus, Georgia, USA
James Baldwin, MD Portland, Oregon, USA
Charles H. Brown, Jr., MD Minnesota State University, USA
Marlene DeMaio, MD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Paul Fadale, MD Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Hua Feng, MD, PhD Beijing, China
Cyril B. Frank, MD deceased
Freddie H. Fu deceased
William E. Garrett Jr., MD, PhD deceased
James G. Garrick, MD San Francisco, Calfornia, USA
Pablo E. Gelber, MD, PhD Barcelona, Spain
Ben K. Graf, MD Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Vojtech Havlas, MD, PhD Prague, Czech Republic
Michael Hayes, MD Orthopaedic Division, SPORTSMED·SA, 32 Payneham Road, Stepney, S Aus,5069, Australia
Stephen M. Howell, MD Sacramento, California, USA
Markku Jarvinen, MD, PhD Tampere, Finland
Dieter Kohn, MD Homberg / Saar, Germany
Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD Santa Monica, CA, USA
Rene Marti, MD deceased
John M. Marzo, MD Buffalo, New York, USA
Keith Meister, MD Gainesville, Florida, USA
Robert H. Miller, MD Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Nicholas Mohtadi, MD, FRCS Calgary, Canada
John W. Orchard, MD, PhD, FACSP Kensington, Australia
Giancarlo Puddu, MD Rome, Italy
Thomas Rosenberg, MD Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Mark E. Steiner, MD deceased
Carol C. Teitz, MD Seattle, Washington, USA
Steve Tippett, PhD, PT, SCS, ATC Peoria, Illinois, USA
Savio L-Y. Woo, PhD Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Principal Reviewers
Geoffrey D. Abrams, MD Stanford, CA, USA
Jakob Ackermann, MD Boston, MA, USA
Scott M. Adams, MD Ellicott City, MD, USA
Ralph Akoto, MD  
Adam Albaba, MD  
Gordon Alderink, PhD  
Burak Altintas, MD New York, NY, USA
Hari K. Ankem, MD  
Justin W. Arner, MD Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Michael James Axe, MD Newark, Delaware
George Christian Balazs, MD Portsmouth, VA, USA
Michael Banffy, MD Los Angeles, CA, USA
David Bernholt, MD  
Marcel Betsch, MD, MBA  
Leslie J. Bisson, MD Amherst, New York
Blake M. Bodendorfer, MD  
Stephan G. Bodkin, PhD  
Steven L. Bokshan, MD  
Eric N. Bowman, MD, MPH  
Jefferson C. Brand, MD Alexandria, MN, United States
Anthony Daniel Bratton, MD Las Vegas, NV, USA
Matthias Brockmeyer, MD Homburg, Germany
Barrett S. Brown, MD Houston, TX, USA
Nicolaas Cyrillus Budhiparama, MD  
E. Lyle Cain, MD  
Mark Callanan, MD  
Christopher L. Camp, MD  
Brian Cohen, MD  
Donald Francis Colantonio, MD  
Aristides Ignacio Cruz, MD, MBA  
Jeffrey N. Davila, MD Freeport, ME, USA
Steven F. DeFroda, MD, ME Chicago, IL, USA
Ryan M. Degen, MD, MSc, FRCSC  
Masataka Deie, MD  
Clayton Del Prince, MD Clinical Assistant Professor, UBMD Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Buffalo, NY, USA
Xiang-Hua Deng, MD New York, NY, USA
Xavier A. Duralde, MD Atlanta, GA, USA
Hussein A. Elkousy, MD Houston, TX, USA
Henry B. Ellis, MD  
Brandon J. Erickson, MD New York, NY, USA
Justin J. Ernat, MD, MS  
Nathan Joseph Fanter, DO Wheaton, IL, USA
Brian T. Feeley, MD San Francisco, CA, USA
Daniel N. Fish, MD  
Megan E. Flynn, MD  
Gen Lin Foo, MBBS  
Matthew S. Fury, MD  
Robert August Gallo, MD  
Trevor Gaskill, MD Manhattan, KS, USA
Derik J. Geist, MD Morgantown, WV, USA
Peter G. Gerbino, MD, MS Monterey, CA, USA
Ryan J. Gnandt, MD  
Elan Golan, MD Snellville, GA, USA
Vincent B. Gomez, MD  
Heath Patrick Gould, MD  
Damon Greene, MD Somers Point, NJ, USA
Justin J. Greiner, MD  
Michael Griesser, MD Middleton, OH, USA
Nathan L. Grimm, MD Boise, ID, USA
John Andrew Grotting, MD San Diego, CA, USA
Joseph H. Guettler, MD  
Fares Haddad, MD (Res) FRCS (Orth) London, United Kingdom
Joshua Hamann, MD Columbia, MO, USA
Matthew James Hartwell, MD  
Daniel C. Herman, MD, PhD  
Jonathan D. Hughes, MD  
Eoghan T. Hurley, MB, MCh, PhD  
Daniel Hurwit, MD  
Toufic R. Jildeh, MD  
Scott Geoffrey Kaar, MD St. Louis, MO, USA
Richard W. Kang, MS, MD Denver, CO, USA
Daniel James Kaplan, MD New York, NY, USA
Lisa Kaplin, DO Philadelphia, PA, USA
Juri Toomas Kartus, MD, PhD Trollhättan, Sweden
John D. Kelly, MD Philadelphia, PA, United States
Najeeb Khan, MD San Marcos, CA, USA
William Kibler, MD  
Jensen Kolaczko, MD  
Eiji Kondo, MD Sapporo, Japan
Keith W. Lawhorn, MD Fairfax, VA, United States
Martin L. Lazarus, MD Evanston, Illinois, USA
Hongyun Li, PhD  
Daniel Liechti, MD  
Tony C. Lin, MD Longview, WA, USA
Robert Longstaffe, MD, FRCSC  
Hongbin Lu, PhD Chang Sha, China
Ajith Malige, MD  
Vladimir Martinek, MD Bad Aibling, Germany
Tyler McCarroll, MD  
Giovanna Medina, MD, PhD  
Julian T. Mehl, MD  
Jefferey Michaelson, MD  
Robert H. Miller Memphis, Tennessee, USA
R. Justin Mistovich, MD, MBA  
Gilbert Moatshe, MD, PhD  
Emily Monroe, MD Alexandria, MN, USA
Kanto Nagai, MD, PhD Kobe, Japan
Shane Jay Nho, MD  
Michael S. Nickoli, MD Columbus, OH, USA
Carl W. Nissen, MD  
Joao V. Novaretti, MD, PhD  
Frank R. Noyes, MD President and Medical Director, Cincinnati Sports Medicine Research and Education Foundation, Noyes Knee Institute, Cincinnati, OH, USA
James Lee Pace, MD Farmington, CT, USA
James Michael Paci, MD Woodbury, NY, USA
Ronald S. Paik, MD Arlington, VA, USA
Shital N. Parikh, MD, FACS Cincinnati, OH, USA
Kevin Parvaresh, MD  
Neel Patel, MD  
Kevin D. Plancher, MD New York, NY, USA
Mark D. Porter, MD, DSc, FACSP, FRACS  
Aaron D. Potts, MD Muskegon, MI, USA
Stephen Rabuck, MD Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Omar Rahman, MD, MBA  
Trey Remaley, DO Tampa, FL, USA
Alan W. Reynolds, MD  
Leonardo Roever, MHS, PhD, Pos-Doc, MBA  
Matthew Sardelli, MD  
John Philip Scanaliato, MD  
Orrin H. Sherman, MD New York, NY, USA
Jason J. Shin, MD, FRCSC  
Mark Siegel, MD Loveland, OH, USA
Jason E. Simon, MD, MBA  
Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, MD Lyon, France
Alvin W. Su, MD, PhD Springfield, PA, USA
Misty Suri, MD New Orleans, LA, USA
Katsunori Suzuki, MD  
Gehron Treme, MD Albuquerque, NM, USA
Georgios Nikolaos Tzoanos, MD Heraklion, Greece
Dustin Volkmer, MD  
Jordan Walters, MD Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic, Tallahassee, FL, USA
Dean Wang, MD Orange, CA, USA
Russell F. Warren, MD New York, NY, USA
Stephen C. Weber, MD San Diego, CA, USA
William Michael Weiss, MD, MSc, FRCSC  
Brian C. Werner, MD Charlottesville, VA, USA
John R. West, MS, MD Silverdale, WA, USA
Coen Abel Wijdicks, PhD Naples, FL, USA
Thomas Y. Wu, MD Ventura, CA, USA
Justin Shu Yang, MD Los Angeles, California, USA
Adam B. Yanke, MD, PhD  
Stefano Zaffagnini, MD  
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