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The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications

The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications

eISSN: 17412846 | ISSN: 10943420 | Current volume: 38 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Bi-monthly

The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications provides a lively forum for the communications of original research papers and timely review articles on the use of supercomputers to solve complex modeling problems in a spectrum of disciplines.

The emphasis will be on experiences with the use of supercomputers rather than on the exposition of computational results peculiar to a specific research topic. Software techniques that apply to classes of problems often cross disciplines; articles should focus on the exchange of such techniques, as well as present methods for analyzing, measuring and applying algorithms and solution schemes related to particular application areas. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

All issues of The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications are available on SAGE Journals.

The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications provides a lively forum for the communications of original peer-reviewed research papers and timely review articles on the use of supercomputers to solve complex modeling problems in a spectrum of disciplines.

The goal of the journal is to capture the state of the art in simulation and modeling of complex phenomena across a spectrum of disciplines and the technologies that support those activities through original research papers and timely review articles. The journal emphasizes experiences with the use of large-scale, high performance computers and software techniques that apply to classes of problems, often across disciplines. Articles should focus such experiences and techniques, as well as methods for analyzing and applying algorithms and solution schemes related to particular application areas. Articles that document the complexity of maximizing performance for real world applications are of particular interest.

The scope of the journal is reflected by the specialties of the board of contributing editors. Illustrative applications include:

  • Aerodynamics and aerospace engineering;
  • Astrophysics and geophysics;
  • Atmospheric research and meteorological forecasting;
  • Automotive design and production;
  • Climate modeling;
  • Computer graphics and imaging;
  • Molecular biology and molecular dynamics;
  • Nuclear physics;
  • Petroleum reservoir engineering and hydrology;
  • Pharmaceutical structural analysis and computer-aided design;
  • Physical oceanography;
  • Plasma physics;
  • Quantum chemistry and first principles molecular dynamics;
  • Solid state physics, and structural dynamics.

General-purpose computational technologies of interest include: the interaction of architecture with algorithms; performance modeling; parallel programming models and languages; parallel tools and their application to large-scale simulation; scaling analyses; and scientific software engineering.

Jack J. Dongarra University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Bronis R. De Supinski Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Editorial Assistant
Julie Langou University of Tennessee, USA
Editorial Board
David Abramson The University of Queensland, Australia
Ann Almgren Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Rosa Badia Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Massimo Bernaschi National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Ewa Deelman USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
David Dixon University of Alabama, USA
Anshu Dubey Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Iain Duff Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Charbel Farhat Stanford University, USA
Bryant Flynt University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), USA
Salman Habib Argonne National Laboratory, USA
A J G Hey Microsoft Corporation, USA
Torsten Hoefler ETH Zürich, Switzerland
William Jalby Université de Versailles, France
Lennart Johnsson University of Houston, USA
David K Kahaner Asian Technology Information Program, Japan
David E Keyes King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia
Alice E. Koniges University of Hawaii, USA
Satoshi Matsuoka Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Todd Munson Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos Virginia Tech Computer Science Department, USA
Yves Robert Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Xiaoye Sherry Li Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Frederick Streitz Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Professor Daisuke Takahashi University of Tsukuba, Japan
Michaela Taufer University of Tennessee, USA
John Taylor ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australia
Vladimir Voevodin Moscow State University, Russia
Richard Vuduc Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
David W Walker Cardiff University, UK
Layne T Watson Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Dr. Michele Weiland EPCC - University of Edinburgh, UK
Sung-Eui Yoon KAIST, South Korea
Emeritus Editors
William Gropp University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Joanne Martin IBM, USA (retired)
Yoshio Oyanagi Kobe University, Japan
Robert S Schreiber Cerebras Systems, USA
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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