Introduction to the Second Edition: Focus, Outline, Learning Objectives, Competencies
Section One: Pre-Engagement
Chapter 1. Starting Before the Beginning: Historical Origins, Strategic Assumptions & Professional Development: The Creation of A Textbook
Chapter 2. Developing Pre-Engagement Skills through An Understanding of Context: “History Moves”
Section Two: Engagement
Chapter 3. Using Engagement Skills to Improve Community Assessments: Joining ‘Micro’ to ‘Macro’ through Tactical Self-Awareness
Chapter 4. The Unconscious in Organizing: The Struggle to Build Authentic Relationships in Community Interventions
Chapter 5. The Social Construction of Practice: Where ‘Macro’ and ‘Micro’ Meet on the Road Towards Personal and Community Transformation
Section Three: Relationship-Building
Chapter 6. “Embody the Change You Seek:” Leadership Development through Relationship-Building
Chapter 7. Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?: Building Effective Coalitions While Resolving The Not-So-Hidden Realities of Race, Gender, Class, Sexuality and Age In Everyday Practice
Section Four: Interventions
Chapter 8. From Checkers to Chess: The Strategic Development of A Community Practitioner
Chapter 9. Think Local, Act Global: A Case Example of 21st Century Macro Practice through the Power of Social Networking
Chapter 10: Expanding the Practitioner Toolkit: Social Workers Inside the Political Arena
Chapter 11: The Re-emergence of Environmental Activism Within Social Work by Kristin Lebeaveau & Meredith Ledlie
Section Five: Evaluation
Chapter 12. Crossing the Great Divide: A Grass Roots Organizer Evaluates How to be a Socially Committed Supervisor…and Beyond
Chapter 13. So Much Information, So Little Time: Human Service Executives’ Strategic, Evidence-Based Search for Social Justice
Chapter 14. Summing Up, Moving Forward: Key lessons and New Directions for 21st Century Practice Towards Personal & Social Transformation
About the Author