About the Authors
Chapter 1: The 21st Century Context and a New Approach
Putting the Person at the Center
Mindful Inquiry: Our Philosophy
Multiplicity of Approaches, Cultures of Inquiry
Becoming a Researcher as Socialization into a Community
Building Caring Communities Through Mindful Inquiry
Chapter 2: The Mindful Inquirer as Philosopher: From Positivism/Scientism to Postmodernism and Beyond
The Researcher as Applied Philosopher
The Mysterious Death and Afterlife of Positivism
The Postmodern Situation and the Crisis in the Foundations of Knowledge
Living at a Historical Turning Point: Forms of Posthumanism or the Global Context of Research
Mindful Inquiry and the Way Forward: Alternative Epistemologies to Scientism/Positivism
Chapter 3: Mindful Inquiry as the Basis for Scholarly Practice
Four Knowledge Traditions
Mindful Inquiry as Contemplative Embodied Critical Hermeneutic Phenomenology
The Spiral of Mindful Inquiry
Beyond Research Ethics to Mindful Inquiry
The Affinity of Mindful Inquiry to Non-Western Thought
Chapter 4: Fundamentals of Mindful Inquiry
Fundamentals for Authenticity
Experiment and Typification in Everyday Life and Social Inquiry
Assessments, Tests, and Measurements: Developing Types
Journalism Versus Social Science: Linking Theory and Research
Chapter 5: The Mindful Scholar–Practitioner
The Role of the Scholar–Practitioner
Misappropriation and Mindful Inquiry
Functions and Qualities of the Scholar–Practitioner
Examples of Scholar–Practitioner Inquiry
Research as Collaboration with a Community of Research & Practice (CORP)
Becoming a Scholar–Practitioner
Assessing Your Growing Competency as a Researcher
What Makes Something Count as Knowledge?
Gaining Mastery of Research Competencies to Maximize Creativity as a Researcher
Chapter 6: Cultures of Inquiry and Research Traditions
Disciplines, Cultures of Inquiry, Theories, Methods, and Techniques
Situating Yourself Within Research Traditions
Looking at Cultures of Inquiry
Chapter 7: Contemplative Embodied Awareness
Somatics or Embodied Awareness
Somatic (Embodied) Inquiry
Somatics and Research Process
Somatics and Social Justice
Limitations and Challenges
Chapter 8: Phenomenological Inquiry
Typical Problems and Concerns
The Raw Data of Phenomenological Research
Phenomenological Methods of Gaining Understanding
The Nature of Explanation and the Nature of Knowledge
The Necessity and Centrality of the Phenomenological Reduction
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
Critique of Phenomenology
Chapter 9: Hermeneutic Inquiry, Ethnography, and Narrative Research
Strategies for Analyzing Texts
Typical Problems and Concerns
The Raw Data of Hermeneutic Research
Hermeneutic Methods of Gaining Understanding
The Nature of Explanation and the Nature of Knowledge
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
Deep Hermeneutics of Heidegger and Gadamer
Typical Problems and Concerns
The Nature of Explanation and the Nature of Knowledge
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
A Note on Autoethnography
Chapter 10: Quantitative, Behavioral, Evaluation, Mixed, and Multi-Phased Research
Orientation to Quantitative and Behavioral Science Research
Typical Problems and Concerns
The Nature of Explanation and the Nature of Knowledge
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
Orientation to Evaluation Research
Typical Problems and Concerns
The Nature of Explanation and the Nature of Knowledge
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
Orientation to Mixed Methods Research
Typical Problems and Concerns
The Nature of Explanation
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
Multiphased Research Focused on Areas of Public Concern
Chapter 11: Comparative-Historical Inquiry, Theoretical Inquiry, and Grounded Theory
Orientation to Comparative-Historical Inquiry
Typical Problems and Concerns
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
Orientation to Theoretical Inquiry
Typical Problems and Concerns
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
Chapter 12: Critical Theory and Critical Social Theory
Orientation to Critical Social Science
Some Historical Notes on Critical Social Science
Origins and Implications of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory
Thinkers That Followed the Pathway
Implications for Problems of Today
Typical Problems and Concerns
The Nature of Explanation and the Nature of Knowledge
Relationship Between Researcher and Subject Matter
A Note on Intersectionality and Mindful Inquiry
Chapter 13: Action Research and Indigenous Research
Origins, Typical Problems and Concerns
The Nature of Explanation and the Nature of Knowledge
The Action Research Family
Chapter 14: Conclusion and Magic Formulae
Let Everything Human Be Spoken to You
Regard All Things as They Present Themselves From the Standpoint of Redemption
Cultivate a Boundless Heart Toward All Beings
Cultivate Contemplative Embodied Awareness
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: Research Competencies
Appendix C: Key Ideas of Positivism/Scientism
Appendix D: Introductory Reading List