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"The editors of this well-crafted collection posit that the field is at a critical inflection point, which warrants both a retrospective and forward-looking examination. The editors are to be commended for bringing together a diverse, scholarly group of writers to focus their attention on the growing and highly important field of strategic management. Highly recommended."
'If you had to read only one book to understand the roots and branches of the study of strategy & organization, this would be it. Pettigrew, Thomas and Whittington have gathered an impressive array of contributions, which provide a comprehensive guide to the current state of the art. It's a book that reflects a maturing field, offering thought-provoking discussions of the major issues in strategy, reflections on how they have been tackled in the last three decades, and identifying the themes, promises and challenges that lie ahead.
A nice collection of articles on various aspects of strategic management
A good companion book for the strategy module.
Excellent book and I am thinking of moving this to an essential text status. I am currently locked into a 'patter' with my teaching team and we are currently evaluating our approach for 2012 through looking at various interim approaches this year. This will be a recommended text for my Masters level Strategy modules (n=160) next semester.
a great collection of articles for the advanced student - but not easy reading
Gives a perfect overview on the field of Strategic Management. The book is too comprehensive to be the essential textbook of my course, however. It might also need a revision soon to keep it up to date to current research an literature.
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