'…resources for conducting grounded theory are spread across a number of disciplines… making it difficult for organization and management scholars to track them down. This book describes the grounded theory approach for organization and management researchers needing to fully understand the possibilities and challenges of this method. It brings together the broadly dispersed discussions of the logic and practices of grounded theory, restoring this style of qualitative research for students and teachers of organization and management' Management Research News
This is a very interesting and useful book. The author discusses Grounded Theory thoroughly and in great detail within its historical context. Where the book falls short of expectations, is the connection with management research. One would hope for more explicit case studies, in search of an explanation of how this method is best applied to a business context. Although there are various references, most of the explanations remain embedded in the discussion surrounding the historical roots of Grounded Research. Still a really good book, and much recommended.
Very good book I used in my course on management research.
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