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"A trawl through this impressive work confirms that it is truly encyclopaedic in both its authoritativeness and in its comprehensiveness of topics and geographic reach...With its remarkable currency...its scholarliness, its scope and accessibility, and its wealth of references, cross-references and recommended reading, no university can afford to be without the online version"
"Well written and feature-rich (reader's guide, chronology, sidebar articles), and the only recent work of its kind, this set will work in large public libraries and is highly recommended for academic collections, especially those that support teacher training programs."
The Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education is scholarly, comprehensive; and worthy of its topic. Providing both definition and background to such a complex and important area of study is no easy matter, and the success of this effort is a tribute to everyone involved. Academic libraries are the prime audience for this encyclopedia but given the interest in educational diversity in some areas of the country, there may be larger public libraries that will find this title of value.
This landmark study serves both as a history of where we've been and a road map to where we need to be.
The Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education should be a standard acquisition for every library and be on the shelves of scholars, researchers, professional developers and educators in general.
"...the entries in the Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education are not only informative and thought provoking, but also extend the basic parameters of diversity in multicultural education. ...Overall, the compelling articles written for the Encyclopedia by eminent scholars from around the globe affirm, in our opinion, the legitimacy of the fields of multiculturalism and multicultural education.
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.