An eye opener even to the well seasoned practitioner and academic. Disturbing yet hopeful solutions are proffered in realistic and individualistic terms.
Best book I could find for an intro class on child maltreatment. Most of the students like it. I think it's a little too repetitive, but I like the mix of case studies and scholarly research. The research is cites if often very old, though.
Although a good book, I found a book that also contains information about mandated reporting, the CPS process and self-care.
A fabulous book which adds various materials and ideas for students to utilise.
I am still waiting for the inspection copy of this book
Excellent intro textbook on child maltreatment. Very readable and well written for an undergraduate audience; covers a diverse array of topics related to child maltreatment and family violence.
A useful book - good for supporting the students in their general learning regarding child development and support.
Excellent introductory text on the subject.
The text is well organized and written for a Social Work child, abuse, and neglect course. The authors incorporate social theory in defining maltreatment, risk and protective factors, and current evidence and case examples that assist with the application to practice. George Leibowitz, PhD
not able to teach course
This is a very informative book that would supplement teaching at level 3. In my opinion I feel that this book would be best geared towards a level 5 student - HNC/D
This is a useful book for anyone that comes into contact with children. It is easy to read with clear definitions of how children can be mistreated.
New instructor - new perspective for the syllabus.
good text book, interesting ideas and easy to read
Very current, topical and detailed. An excellent all round text book
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