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Very useful book.
Course runs monthly for approximate intake of 60 students each month.
Programme validated until 2016
Excellent book especially for first and second year undergraduate nursing students. This book tackles most of the learning skills essential to all nurses embarking on a BSc.
Very similar to texts already utilised
A useful study skills book for our pre-nursing students. Although rather dry in its presentation the case studies and scenarios are useful. It dips into most areas providing a broad basis to work from.
This book covers a wide range of appropriate topics for the student nurse. It is informative and is an excellent resource for the full three years of the course
Very good introductory text linked robustly to NMC standards for pre-reg education and essential skills clusters. It is, as ever with this series, an accessible text for students in terms of both readability and affordability. There are many activities and case studies throughout which students always welcome. Inclusion of a chapter on numeracy is particularly useful as this is an area that does seem to terrify some students.
I felt there was not enough detail about developing critical thinking and working at Level 6
Good support book for the firstyear students, recommended that the library have iin stock
Many students lo0king for help with puttng adlut learning into context - very useful
This is a book that I have found to be very informative. It has something for every learner, whether it be about reflective practice or activities to help them strengthen their maths skills. I have certainly been recommending it as a good tool to prepare my students for their nurse training. I have included it on the book list for the new cohort starting in September as well as asking the college library to invest in some copies for other students to look at.
Attempts to achieve too much within its length, consequently superficial in several areas. Could be more interactive. May be useful to some students but not the ideal text.
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.