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'This book, part of the Transforming Nursing Practice series, is a revelation. I enjoyed it an would recommend it to every nursing student and those returning to practice. I just wish this book had been around when I began my return to practice' - Nursing Standard
"Smacks of authenticity - it's clearly written by someone with first hand knowledge of placement learning. I liked this book very much indeed' - Lecturer, NWE
I use this on open days for applicants considering nursing as a career
Although this well clearly written book is aimed at student nurses it is extremely useful to support new mentors undertaking their mentorship course. it gives an insight and an understanding of what may occur in practice , their expectations of students and mentors alike as well as demonstarting the potential ways of enhancing the learning experiences
Any text that discusses the importance of sound clinical skills and how to learn from practice should be recommended to all students for the three year programme.
The positive aspects of this book include the 'useful websites' and common sense approach to practice learning - I have also found this text useful for mentor preparation/support.
I will be recommending this text to colleagues as an addition to the student non essential reading list. I particularly liked the links to NMC standards and the activity based approach. I am a little concerned that many of the references used in the book are from the 1990s. This will limit the longevity of the book. Finally I was pleased to see that the language used in this book is both modern and accessible. I look forward to seeing other books from this series
Excellent resource for students prior to starting their practice experiences Would recommend this book for students prior to commencing the programme and in their first term The student and mentors responsibilities are clearly outlined and the scenarios are very current
Helpful for both students and mentors in the preparation of developing a good learning environment for those in practice.
very useful book to develop the students knowledge and skills whilst on practice placement. useful resource for mentors and education facilitators highlighted by case studies and scenarios
Really useful book in year one of the course when students are going out to placement. Good supporting reference book in the latter years as well.
Really useful, easy to read and informative resource which will be useful for students who are preparing to go out into practice placement areas.