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Look no further. Whether interested in the latest conceptual turn in defining the urban, or in the importance of transcending disciplinary boundaries in the study of cities, this handbook has it all. It is a superb collection that contains a remarkable set of essays from the world’s leading urbanists whose combined wisdom is essential to anyone seeking to understand the 21st century city. As noted in the editors’ introduction, this is not your standard urban sociology monograph.
This outstanding collection of essays, reflections, provocations and "excavations of the future" is both timely and appropriate. Appropriate, since it asks the reader to re-assess the way in which contemporary urbanity is both familiar and not, depending on one's location and perspective, and timely since the editors' bold assertion of a new taxonomy of issues from 'authority' to 'civility' dissolves the decades-old hierarchies between First- and Third World, developed and developing, the West and the Rest.
Astute and comprehensive, this expertly assembled volume moves through and well beyond the categories that have shaped our current understandings of cities – global and ordinary, northern and southern, formal and informal, civil and conflictual – to reveal the struggles over meaning and access that cut across class, culture, politics, and space.
In the respected tradition of the SAGE Handbook, this collection brings together the most important urban scholars of out time. Their insightful analyses of the processes, experiences and consequences of urbanization draw upon a diverse array of cities and remind us that the effects of urbanization reach beyond any geographical city limit. This carefully curated collection redefines the interdisciplinary field of urban studies and sets its moral course to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
"Written for practitioners and upper-level undergraduates, this title is recommended for public libraries located in cities and urban centers and for academic libraries supporting urban studies in sociology."
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.