Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector
- Ann Gravells
- Susan Simpson - North East Lincolnshire Council
Further Education and Skills
Principles and Practice (HE/FE)
Please note: the qualification unit content contained in the appendices has since changed, and some legislation mentioned in the book has been updated.
"The book is an excellent support for the students and enables them to understand the requirements for the unit...I would recommend this book to both the student and the tutor." Lecturer, Leeds College of Technology
A very good and easy book to read. It explains in easy terms how you can plan for learning with good examples that help .
An essential guide for stuidents embarking on ITE.
This book covers the topic in a easy to read format. I would recommend this to those learning and wanting to refresh their current practices.
A simple to read book that helps students to understand and teachers to deliver the underpinning knowledge for the unit - Highly recommended.
It helps with most written assignments, this is must have book if you are working towards your teacher training qualification. An easy read for all levels, especially for those who are new teaching.
Good, easy to read book that explains in easy terms how you can plan for learning with relevant examples that help with understanding.
This book was recommended for the CTLLS course. Students found it a helpful text in terms of writing their assignments for the course.
An essential companion for any learner on a PTLLS course. Accessible and user-friendly. A must have!