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Rethinking Management Education

Rethinking Management Education

Edited by:

August 1996 | 224 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
At a time of ever-increasing debate about the nature and adequacy of orthodox approaches to management education, particularly in the new postindustrial, postmodern era, this innovative volume brings together the work of authors actively engaged in reflecting on, and developing new forms of education in the field of management. Rethinking Management Education begins by stating that it is important to critique and analyze such a significant and contemporary entity as management, and that management education--since it plays such a crucial role in producing and reproducing managerial practices--is the primary site for such interrogation. After contrasting dominant utilitarian and functionalist conceptions of management education with various alternatives, the contributors argue for a need for a dialogical pluralism whereby participants are introduced to the full diversity of appropriate perspectives and debates. Throughout the book, there is a focus on the implications of problematizing management knowledge so as to facilitate alternative and critical modalities of teaching and learning. In this context, management is seen not only as a bundle of skills and techniques, but as a complex social, political, and moral practice. Rethinking Management Education is full of insightful and unique ideas. Containing the most significant developments in education, this book is a must for all academics, students, and professionals in management.

Christopher Grey and Robert French
Rethinking Management Education
An Introduction

Alan B Thomas and Peter D Anthony
Can Management Education be Educational?
Jannis Kallinikos
Mapping the Intellectual Terrain of Management Education
John Roberts
Management Education and the Limits of Technical Rationality
The Conditions and Consequences of Management Practice

J Michael Cavanaugh and Anshuman Prasad
Critical Theory and Management Education
Some Strategies for the Critical Classroom

Christopher Grey, David Knights and Hugh Willmott
Is a Critical Pedagogy of Management Possible?
Russ Vince
Experiential Management Education as the Practice of Change
Audrey Collin
The Potential for Students to Find Their Voice in Babel

Jonathan Gosling
Plato on the Education of Managers
David M Boje
Management Education as a Panoptic Cage

`The present collection opens up a variety of ways of looking at management education other than the prevailing one, which sees it as a fundamentally utilitarian enterprise charged with the responsibility for producing people who are technically more useful than others at the practice of management. As the opening chapter suggests, the practice of management is itself capable of being viewed from a variety of sociological angles, ranging from functionalism to critical theory, to the sociology of everyday life, to postmodernism. Consequently we cannot take anything for granted about the most appropriate way to look at management education. Instead we are led to several questions: should the accent be on the management or the education, what presumptions about these two concepts should be made explicit, and what bodies of literature might inform this conceptual clarification before we can say that management of education has beeen properly re-thought. The various authors then proceed to draw upon philosophy, from Plato (e.g. Gosling) to Descartes through to Heidegger (e.g. Kallnikos); critical social theory from Habermas to MacIntyre (e.g Roberts); critical education theory from Freire to Giroux (e.g. Cavanaugh and Prasad, Grey, Knights, and Willmott) to Foucault(e.g. Boje). The breadth of critical resources employed is therefore a strength of this collection.... In summary I would say that the book is a welcome and insightful attempt to rethink the matters at stake in management education from one critical perspective' - Management Learning

`Each of the papers in this book is a rich working out of its particular theme, and each relates well to the agenda laid out by the editors in the introduction. The papers are challenging, mostly well written, and address fundamentally important issues for all who are involved in management education. The book lives up to its title, which should also be seen as a warning; academics involved in the field are likely to find themselves challenged on aspects of their own teaching. It might be particularly useful for management departments to take this book and work through it in seminars, and together to engage in "rethinking management education"' - The Occupational Psychologist

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ISBN: 9780803977822

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