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Social Problems Activity 3

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Activity 3: Realizing the Power—and Vulnerability—of Institutions 

Social Problems: Sociology in Action, 2e

  • Time frame: Approximately 15 - 30 Minutes
  • Setting: Online or face-to-face
  • Source: Chapter 15 (Learning Outcome 15.3)
    from Social Problems: Sociology in Action, 2e,
    edited by: Maxine P. Atkinson and Kathleen Odell Korgen
  • Contributor(s): Kathleen Odell Korgen and Maxine P. Atkinson

Confronting Social Problems 15.3 Democracy Versus Authoritarianism

What is authoritarianism and how does it threaten democracy?

In this activity, you will consider the attributes of those who support democracy or authoritarianism.

  1. Indicate which you think is more important for a child to have:
    1. independence or respect for elders?
    2. obedience or self-reliance?
    3. to be considerate or to be well behaved?
    4. curiosity or good manners?
  2. Among the eight attributes listed in Question 1, which four would be most helpful for a democratic society? Why?
  3. Which four attributes do you think might be harmful for a democratic society? Why?

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